7 foods that purify toxins in the natural intestine that are surprisingly effective

Toxic waste by adding Vitamin C

Vitamin C is abundant in fruits and fruits that work to clean the intestines, according to a 2015 study by Rodríguez de Miguel C and colleagues.

Drinking kale smoothies, broccoli, mulberry and lemon hands helps to eliminate poisoning the intestines and is good for overall health.

Protect the intestine with probiotics

Research by Imen Kahouli (2013) shows that probiotics can help prevent and treat rectal cancer. Probiotics stop infection, improve bowel movements.

Probiotics are abundant in Greek yogurt, apple cider vinegar, kimchi, miso, kombucha tea and some cheeses.

Add starch resistance to the diet

Resistant starches are found in many crops such as potatoes, rice, green bananas, and nuts that are important for intestinal function.

Starch resistance has the following main functions:

- Reducing the amount of glocose absorbed per food unit, beneficial in preventing high diabetes and obesity and very suitable for dieting.

- Reducing blood cholesterol, preventing cardiovascular diseases.

- Increases the body's immunity and prevents colon cancer.

Drink more water to remove toxins, regulate digestion

Drinking less water is one of the common causes of constipation. Drinking 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day can prevent this condition.

In addition, if you don't drink water, you can eat fruits and vegetables with plenty of water to make up for such as cucumbers, zucchini, celery, tomatoes, melon, strawberries, .


Seaweed is well known for preventing and treating goiter, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis. For the digestive system, seaweed helps the activities of intestinal peristalsis more smoothly and positively. Its grip can promote the exchange of triglycerides in the blood, helping the laxative, speeding up the intestinal movement from which quickly eliminates toxins from the body.


Honey contains many amino acids, vitamins and important nutritional elements such as magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus to help stabilize the intestinal tract. You can drink warm water with a spoon of honey to help your digestive system strengthen your ability to work better.


In addition to the beauty benefits, in aloe vera with many active ingredients, amino acids, vitamins, sugar and minerals . can stimulate the motility of the small intestine, eliminate toxins and purify the intestines, specializing in the treatment of intestinal hotness, constipation. You can make fresh aloe vera into a dish or cook it to use it gradually.



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