8 tricks to 'fool' of the brain

1. ear Worm

"Ears Deep" (earworm) is the term used to explain the "brain rules" in a loop. For example, there is a piece of music, a sentence ... would that just stuck in your head for a long time. After singing the first verse, you try to move on to the next sentence, but can't remember the rest of the song.

Scientists explain this phenomenon is caused by the brain likes to return to complete the thought enquiries should be stuck in a loop, so the brain tries to go back to start again, from which the finished song for piecemeal. Until now, scientists have yet to find remedies for "deep ear". Therefore, you should "shunning" it by reading a book, solving a problem, or do anything to the brain no longer entangled in "deep ear" anymore.

2. Possibilities

The scientists that we depend too much on GPS navigation devices will lose the wonderful possibilities of the brain. Even, it also meant that we have the risk of dementia sooner. So, you use the GPS in case of extreme importance, the rest let the brain fully capable of observation, analysis and spatial orientation.

This, not the help us to harness the potential of the brain but also makes us smarter, faster brain activity and more incisive. You can coach his orientation by going to a city not yet know that he would find his way home, will be very interesting.

3. emotional stripping

The feelings of people in large part from these phenomena, the external impact on the job. However, if one day you find yourself looking at a creature or hearing a strange noise that you can't understand it, then don't worry, it's one of those phenomenal illusion due to the brain cause that scientists called the deprived emotions head on.

Imagine, you are in a room no light, no sound, no smell, and you lost completely the ability of space-time. At this time, because the brain does not have these things outside of work, will arise out of the illusion to fill in for the "input" has died. And "product" will be the odd-shaped blocks, not the meaning. This bracket shows the importance of the senses that humans possessed.

4. The pain of empathy

Have you ever heard someone kicking the door and suddenly your face back, though it is clear that this happens to others but not to you?  Or simply listen recounts a story that someone was hurt and you also feel like I've been experiencing the same? That was the sympathetic pain.

This is the phenomenon we feel the pain of others when heard, saw what they went through and correct the main way we get hurt. As explained by the scientists, part of the brain responsible for the "other people" pain pain called mirror "area" with these "mirror neurons"-responsible for creating a sympathetic response. In fact, humans are driven to think that we're feeling the same things as other people, that nature is a very powerful version of empathy instinct.

5. false memories

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Most everyone certainly on his own recollections. However, scientists have conducted experiments on memory and detected, the human brain can also create false memories.

This phenomenon occurs is because the human mind are always trying to receive and record everything happening in the surrounding environment. This process sometimes fail and lead to gaps in the brain's memory. At that time, the brain will automatically create a false memories based on the knowledge and experience that we have ever spent to fill in the blanks. This is the reason why, sometimes go the way we meet a familiar face but can not remember because essentially they are complete strangers to me.

6. sleeping sickness Symptoms

Most of us know that when people don't sleep for a long period of time, the result is they will be denoted as being drunk. However, what you may not know there is too much sleep will also have the same response. Have you ever slept longer than normal and when you wake up feeling stunned and wondering why I don't even like being lack of sleep.

When you sleep too long, the brain will in confusing status of sleep and consciousness. This is extremely dangerous, because when drunk asleep, the brain is no longer enough awake, flexible to recognize these dangers happen to yourself, this is like you were drunk that drive again. So, sleeping too little or too much sleep are not good.

7. Hypnagogia

The scientific name is Hypnagogia, phenomena make us feel as deficit or falling down a large space when sleep occurs in half the stage half-asleep. Hypnagogia is derived from the brain and cause the feeling of real damage that damage human beings cannot control. It often happens to those who sleep not enough sleep, fatigue, especially asleep on the table, chairs ...

While Hypnagogia, your body will jerk up, you'll wake up after that, rubbing their eyes and wondering what is happening. To avoid this phenomenon, you sleep in bed in a mind that comfort, and especially should not leave your sleep or awake too late in a day.

8. semantic satisfaction

Have you ever forgive forgive you go back one word and finally did not understand the meaning of what it is yet?  According to the researchers, this phenomenon is semantic satisfaction (semantic satiation). When you repeat a Word, the brain becomes satisfied and you start to get confused about the meaning of the word.

For example, when mentioning a word (such as "pen"), your brain to find the information for from pen and connect the two things together, but if you repeated the ability the brain connect words with semantic information will be poor. At this time, we will constantly put the question as "why the pen is again ... the pen?".  However, thanks to the phenomenon that the doctor can help treat people suffering from stuttering and fucking syndrome nonsense does not control Tourette.=



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