After drinking water, seeing this sign warns you of a serious disease, immediately seek medical attention

After drinking water dry mouth, urinate a lot

A lot of people, the more water they drink, the more severe their dry mouth. If this happens, warn people to be alert to diabetes. Because diabetes makes it difficult for the body to control blood glucose (sugar), the kidneys produce more urine to limit excess sugar. This causes dehydration and creates a feeling of thirst more often.

In addition, dry mouth although not too dangerous for health but long term can cause halitosis difficult to treat or teeth are more prone to saliva production is not enough to kill bacteria.

After drinking water, urinate less, not even urinate

Be aware of the above symptoms, because if the kidneys are not good, water may appear in the body but not excreted. An average healthy person urinates about 6-7 times / day. But if you urinate less than 2-3 times a day or do not urinate for hours, this is a warning sign that your body is in serious water shortage. If frequent urination occurs a little after drinking water, you need to be vigilant with kidney disease.

After drinking water, there is a full body swelling

We all know that healthy people, kidneys work well, no matter how much water they drink, the body will not show edema. However, if you have symptoms, you need to be wary of kidney disease. Weak kidneys not only affect the elimination of toxins, but also cause the water to accumulate, causing electrolyte disturbances, appear edema.

After drinking water, there is abdominal pain

After drinking water, many people have abdominal pain, when self-examination will see the belly bulge. This abnormal signal appears, you should pay attention to liver disease, people with cirrhosis, if you drink a lot of water will cause abdominal distention.

In addition, abdominal pain after drinking water can also be caused by gastrointestinal diseases such as stomach disease (inflammation, stomach ulcer - duodenum, etc.), constricted colon, and decreased intestinal peristalsis caused by flatulence, bloating.

If you have 4 symptoms after drinking water, be sure to go to the hospital for an examination. Over time, no timely treatment will increase the condition, endanger health.

Of course, if you don't have one of these four symptoms, you should maintain the habit of drinking lots of water every day. Drinking plenty of water is good for health and helps prolong life.

Signs that you drink too much water

Drink water even when not thirsty

The best way to know if your body needs water is not a thirst.

'Our bodies program to fight dehydration because we live in fear of scarcity or lack of water. So the body has created a mechanism to protect against dehydration - thirst. The more water the body needs, the more thirsty it feels, 'explains Tamara.

You often drink water to the point that your urine is clear

If you drink moderate amounts of water, the urine will be clear yellow.

Although some people believe that urine is a sign of enough water, the fact is that if urine is not pigmented it is a sign that you are drinking too much water.

For most people, 8-10 glasses of water a day is normal. This proposal depends on each person's height, weight and mobility.

Frequent urination, even during the night

You can drink too much water if you wake up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet.

Most people will go to the bathroom 6-8 times a day. If you urinate more than 10 times a day, you may be drinking more water than your body needs. To prevent nocturnal urination, the last cup of water you drink should be a few hours before you go to bed so that your kidneys have time to filter the water.

You feel nausea and vomiting

Expression of excess water is the same as when dehydration.

According to Hew Butler, when you drink too much water, the kidneys will not be able to remove excess water and the water will begin to 'invade' other organs in the body. This causes some unpleasant symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.



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