Always feeling thirsty, you may have one of the following 5 dangerous diseases

The main reason why we feel thirsty is dehydration, not drinking enough water. Each person's water needs are different. However, experts recommend that we should drink 6-8 glasses of water a day (1 cup of about 240ml, equivalent to 1.6-2 liters / day, this amount includes milk, tea, coffee, juice .).

However, if you are constantly thirsty despite drinking quite a lot of water throughout the day, it could be a warning sign of serious health problems.

Dry mouth

Xeorstomia symptoms or dry mouth are often mistaken for thirst, severe dehydration. The reason is due to the decline of salivary glands. In addition, dry mouth can also occur due to side effects of some prescription drugs, allergy medications, dizziness medications.

If the salivary glands do not secrete enough, the mouth will become dry and lead to other symptoms such as bad breath, difficulty chewing .

To remedy this situation, you can often take small sips of water or sometimes chew gum to stimulate the salivary glands to work. In the long run, it's best to see your doctor to be properly diagnosed and treated.


UPMC Urgent Care North Hungtingdon in Pennsylvania, Dr. Heather Rosen explained that when blood sugar is too high, the body puts pressure on the kidneys, leading to more urine production to reduce excess glucose. redundant.

Frequent urination causes the body to become dehydrated. If you feel thirsty, urinate a lot, have blurred vision, or lose weight, you should go to the hospital immediately to check whether you have diabetes or not.

Diabetes insipidus

Diabetes insipidus has similar signs and symptoms of dehydration. This disease occurs due to a hormonal imbalance that affects water absorption. Because of urination, dehydration, the body often thirst.

Low blood pressure

When the adrenal gland is inefficient, it will lead to low blood pressure. At this time, your body signals you to be thirsty so that you can replenish your blood with water to increase blood pressure

In addition to thirst, when you have low blood pressure, you may feel tired, dizzy, dizzy, headache, difficulty concentrating .


Abnormal thirst can also be caused by anemia. The body lacks red blood cells and reduces the amount of fluid, so the thirst is activated to compensate.

In addition, the manifestations of anemia may be fatigue, dizziness, pale skin, headache, a fast heartbeat, and pale eye mucosa .

Ideally, when you feel your body has abnormal symptoms, you should go to the hospital for medical examination and consultation.



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