Beetroot Benefits for Skin: Vitamin C and Other Nutrients

Beets, Beta vulgaris, have a number of properties that support good health. According to The Ohio State University, beets are rich in minerals and vitamins, such as iron and vitamin C. Just one beet can deliver:

  • 22% daily value (DV) of folate
  • 9% DV of fiber
  • 8% DV of potassium

Although many people suggest that those properties should and could relate directly to skin health, there's no current direct clinical research to back this up.

Claims that beetroot and beetroot juice can benefit the skin are likely attributed to its vitamin C content. Some of these proposed beneficial properties include:

  • anti-aging
  • acne treatment
  • skin brightening
  • antioxidant
  • anti-inflammatory
Beets and anti-aging

Because beets are high in vitamin C, some consider beets to be good for the skin, even suggesting that they can protect from signs of aging, such as wrinkles.

According to Oregon State University, both topical and dietary vitamin C have beneficial effects on skin cells. Vitamin C is found in both the outer layer of your skin, called the epidermis, and the layer of skin under your epidermis, called the dermis. The dermis contains:

  • nerve endings
  • capillaries
  • hair follicles
  • sweat glands

Vitamin C is also found in anti-aging skin care products because of its:

  • antioxidant properties
  • role in collagen synthesis
  • help in repairing and preventing dry skin
Beets and acne

Because of vitamin C's anti-inflammatory properties, it can be used in the treatments of conditions such as acne.

According to a 2018 study, however, it's often used along with other treatments such as antibiotics and zinc. Those that suggest beets as a potential cure for acne may justify their claim based on the vitamin C found in beetroot and beetroot juice.

Beets and skin pigmentation

According to a 2013 study, vitamin C can be used in treating hyperpigmentation to decrease melanin formation. Some feel that since beets contain vitamin C, they can be used for this condition.

Beets for your health

According to a 2015 study, beetroot and its components, such as belatins and betaine, offer powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and vascular-protective effects that can help:

  • manage cardiovascular disease
  • reduce blood pressure
  • lower inflammation
  • prevent oxidative stress
  • enhance athletic performance

Some of the health value of beets may be due to the fact that they're rich in dietary nitrates. Your body converts those nitrates into nitric oxide, a vital molecule that impacts many aspects of health, including helping blood vessels dilate for proper blood flow which may result in:

  • better brain function
  • lower blood pressure
  • improved exercise performance
Things you might not know about beets
  • Beets are also known as blood turnips.
  • A combination of beet juice and salt brine are used by many communities, such as in Cincinnati, Ohio, to control ice on roads. According to the Washington DC Department of Public Works, an environmentally safe salt brine/beet juice mixture creates a chemical reaction that helps keep the salt on the road surface.
  • Beet juice is used throughout the world as a natural red or pink dye for processed foods.
  • Beets have the highest sugar content of any vegetable.
  • According to the University of Montevallo, after consuming beets, an estimated 10 to 15 percent of adults in the United States experience urine turning pink or red. It's also possible for beet consumption to add red color into your bowel movements.
  • Although red beets are the most common, beets can also be white, gold, or striped with red and white.
  • Beets belong to the Chenopod family that also includes spinach and quinoa.

Beets are a low-calorie source of nutrients, including vitamin C which is often used in skin care.



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