Best Men's Health Blogs of 2019

Knowing exactly what you should — and shouldn't — be doing for your own health isn't always easy. There's too much information, not enough time in the day, and a lot of advice that may not suit your lifestyle. Finding what works best for you — when it comes to fitness, food, nutrition, stress management, sex, aging, gut health, brain health — is much easier when you know where to look.

That's why we gathered the best blogs geared towards men's health. With clear information, practical tips, and advice that encourages readers to become their own health advocates, these are the top resources to inform and inspire.

Mark's Daily Apple

Who it's for: men, especially older men looking to fine-tune their health and wellness

What you'll find: A wealth of deep-dive blog posts focusing on nutrition, weight loss, workouts, and general lifestyle for men to maintain and improve their health. The blog is the baby of Mark Sisson, a walking, talking advocate for a paleo/primal lifestyle. There's an emphasis on choosing the right foods, types of movement, and lifestyle changes to encourage significant positive impacts on health and wellness.

Through 'self-experimentation' and copious amounts of research, Mark devised the Primal Blueprint — his take on 'how to thrive in the modern world armed with lessons learned about the ways our ancestors lived.' The blog is filled with personal success stories and before/after photos, along with actionable information to start living better on your own.


Who it's for: men dealing with stress and other emotional challenges

What you'll find: Expert insights, exercises, and advice for handling anger, stress, and health issues — including 'male menopause' — in a productive, nontoxic way. The site is especially good for helping men transition away from less healthy approaches to well-being. It does a good job of filtering the dirty bathwater without throwing away the masculinity baby.

Talking About Men's Health

Who it's for: fathers, regardless of how old their children are

What you'll find: General men's health and wellness information, through the lens of teaching our sons functional approaches to physical, mental, and emotional well-being. This is a great resource for men working to balance personal health and self-care with the demands of attentive fatherhood.

Good Men Project

Who it's for: men ready to move beyond 'toxic masculinity' and embrace a more holistic and open approach to wellness and relationships

What you'll find: Articles on a wide variety of how men can improve their health and connectedness, including topics like gender issues, parenting, general wellness, and even politics. Don't let that last one bother you, though... they're health first, politics a distant second.

The Turek Clinic

Who it's for: men with concerns about their sexual health, ranging from fertility to erectile dysfunction to aging

What you'll find: Research-driven articles on specific issues of men's sexual health and performance, including what you can to do improve the situation. This is an excellent example of how men can learn to tune out all the noise about sexuality and expectations — and become empowered to learn more about their own bodies.

Men's Health

Who it's for: men of all ages

What you'll find: This is the online component of the ubiquitous Men's Health magazine. It addresses issues such as sports, sexuality, supplements, and testicular cancer. You'll find informational articles with strong introductions to these and many other topics. It's an excellent starting point for anything you've been wondering or worrying about.

Men's Health Research

Who it's for: men with specific health problems, focusing on smoking cessation, prostate cancer, mental health, and lifestyle/diet

What you'll find: A combination of informational articles about the health topics above, and profiles of projects, websites, initiatives, and news items about men's health. This isn't just fitness journalism but rather a well-intentioned site looking deeply at the issues of the day.

Young Men's Health Site

Who it's for: male teens and 20-somethings looking to get a jump on lifetime wellness, and parents looking to help their teen sons succeed

What you'll find: Blog articles and more extensive reports on general health, sexual health, emotional wellness, nutrition, and fitness aimed for the specific needs of teen and young adult males. The tone is frank and nonjudgmental and users are prompted to submit queries: 'Do you have a health question that you're too embarrassed to ask? Submit your question here!'

Art of Manliness

Who it's for: men interested in the masculine lifestyle, updated for modern sensibilities without all the toxicity and self-destructive behaviors

What you'll find: The health and sports blog posts are part of a much larger program, focusing on strength, wellness, sports, fitness, and 'body-hacking' techniques to maximize performance. The non-health material is also worth your time, straddling the line between funny and useful.

The Healthcast

Who it's for: men interested in following the latest developments and news about their health

What you'll find: Reports on health topics, with a focus on drugs and supplements. The blog itself doesn't focus on men's health, but it's easy to find posts about men's health. This one is best for a well-rounded supply of detailed health news.

Stronger by Science

Who it's for: men looking to fine-tune their fitness

What you'll find: Detailed guides for specific aspects of weightlifting, strength training, nutrition, and recovery. These range from introductory pieces to detailed programs for intermediate and advanced athletes. It's the ultimate how-to guide for weightlifting and strength.

If you have a favorite blog you'd like to nominate, please email us at

Jason Brick is a freelance writer and journalist who came to that career after over a decade in the health and wellness industry. When not writing, he cooks, practices martial arts, and spoils his wife and two fine sons. He lives in Oregon.



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