Best Traumatic Brain Injury Blogs of 2019

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) describes complex damage to the brain from a sudden jolt or blow to the head. This kind of injury can have serious complications that affect behavior, cognition, communication, and sensation. It can be challenging for not only the survivor, but family members and loved ones too. Fortunately, the right information and support is out there. These blogs do an excellent job of educating, inspiring, and empowering people navigating TBI.


BrainLine is an excellent resource for information about brain injury and PTSD. Content is geared to people with TBI, including children, caregivers, professionals, and military personnel and veterans. On its personal stories and blogs section, BrainLine features stories from people who have sustained brain injuries and are working to rebuild their lives. Caregivers share their perspectives as well.

Traumatic Brain Injury Blog

Bob Luce, the Vermont-based attorney behind this blog, has both personal and professional experience with brain injury. He understands that what brain injury victims and their families need most is reliable information on diagnosis and treatment — and that's what you'll find here. In addition to providing links to TBI science and research, the blog translates this information into understandable summaries. Readers will also find links to best practices for treatment and rehabilitation.

David's Traumatic Brain Injury Blog

In 2012, David Grant was riding his bike when he was hit by a car. In his memoir, he writes in vivid detail about the challenges that followed in the ensuing days and months. The freelance writer shares the importance of rebuilding a meaningful life after TBI on his blog, and his perspective and candid approach make him highly relatable to people struggling to move forward after their own accidents.

Blog on Brain Injury

Lash & Associates is a publishing company specializing in brain injury information for children, adolescents, and adults. For more than two decades, the company has worked to provide information that is useful, understandable, and relevant. That's exactly what you'll find on the blog. Survivors of TBI and their families and caregivers can browse comprehensive content designed to bring understanding and healing.

Adventures in Brain Injury

Cavin Balaster survived a two-story fall in 2011, and he's intimately familiar with the many challenges of TBI. He created Adventures in Brain Injury to educate patients on the risks and benefits of all forms of medicine, and to help families, practitioners, and survivors of all kinds. His blog is a great resource for information about different forms of neurorehabilitation and the kind of understanding and support many families can't find elsewhere.


TryMunity is a nonprofit organization committed to increasing awareness and providing support to individuals and families navigating TBI through an online social community. Survivors and supporters will find stories, ideas, suggestions, and encouragement from people who truly understand the struggle. The blog offers helpful information about symptoms and diagnosis, as well as life during recovery.

Kara Swanson's Brain injury Blog

Kara Swanson writes movingly about her ups and downs more than 20 years after her brain injury. Her positive outlook is inspiring, and her posts are written from a place of experience. Kara understands the challenges people with TBI face because she's lived them. That makes her perspective truly invaluable to others navigating recovery.

Shireen Jeejeebhoy

In 2000, Shireen Jeejeebhoy was in the middle of writing her manuscript when she was involved in a car accident and suffered a brain injury. Seven years later, she published that manuscript after learning how to write all over again. Now, she uses her blog to share what she's learned about brain health and her own experiences in healing.

Who Am I To Stop It

This documentary is about the isolation and stigma that often accompanies brain injury and the manner in which survivors find their way in the world again. The film offers an intimate look at life and art, which serves not as rehabilitation but rather as a tool for personal growth, meaningful work, and social change for these survivors of TBI.

Dr. James Zender

James Zender, PhD, is a clinical and forensic psychologist with more than 30 years of trauma experience. He's committed to improving relationships between insurance companies, providers, and the injured to create better outcomes for everyone. He also offers tools, tips, and ideas to facilitate recovery so that accident survivors don't just survive, but thrive.

Cognitive FX

Cognitive FX is a neurorehabilitation clinic in Provo, Utah, treating people with concussions and TBI. Their blog serves as a comprehensive resource with information about all aspects of these injuries. Recent posts include personality changes after TBI, common symptoms, and how to treat a concussion.

Brain Injury Group

The Brain Injury Group provides access to the full spectrum of support for people with brain injuries and their families. Visitors will find a network of dedicated brain injury lawyers and other specialist services. The blog is a great resource for practical advice regarding finances and benefits, different rehabilitation and therapy options, and much more.

If you have a favorite blog you'd like to nominate, please email us at

Jessica Timmons has been a writer and editor for more than 10 years. She writes, edits, and consults for a great group of steady and growing clients as a work-at-home mom of four, squeezing in a side gig as a fitness co-director for a martial arts academy.



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