Cauliflower, the harmful effects when eating salt

In the summer, the weather is hot, many people like to eat cool dishes such as gourd soup, fresh crab soup . in these dishes can not be missing a few pieces of salt. Salt coffee can take many forms, can be salted, compressed salt . unforgettable taste for summer meals.

The artillery in particular and the types of coffee in the tomato family are generally thought to be nutritious. According to Oriental medicine, sweet artillery, welding properties, has the effect of hemolysis, inflammation, diarrhea, laxative, diuretic, low-toxicity treatment, except in the abdomen, tuberculosis.

Although it works to cure some diseases quite well, it also contains a number of toxins harmful to health. If you eat incorrectly, you will encounter a picture.

Can be poisoned

Although there are many health effects, in the body, leaves, flowers and fireworks contain some poison. The species that has a lot of bitter taste is the higher the poison. Coffee toxins are commonly known as alkaloids. It also has a sitosterol content, though not remarkable, but has toxic solanine. Unripe berries have much higher solanine content than ripe fruits.

In life, the whole fruit is often used to cook, salt, boil, stir fry, fry . Tomato slices eat raw like vegetables, dot shrimp paste or fish sauce. Crunchy tomato berries, chewed with a salty mamma are very tasty but need to be careful, eating a lot can be toxic solanine aches.

Small levels of solanine are toxic and can cause gastrointestinal and neurological disorders. You will then feel a headache, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain, dryness of the throat, fever, jaundice, mydriasis and hypothermia, hallucinations, loss of feeling , paralysis.

Risk of cancer

In addition to the poisons available in coffee, the method of processing and using salt-making tools is also an agent that causes liver cancer and stomach cancer. Although it contains Nightshade soda - a substance that protects against cancer. But improper processing has caused it to disappear, even transforming into a great harmful substance.

Usually, we have the habit of salting into plastic bottles. These plastics do not guarantee the quality of the fermentation process of coffee, acid production, they will corrode and absorb toxic substances from plastic into coffee.

This poison has a direct impact on the stomach, toxins are passed through the liver and cause damage to the liver, increasing the risk of liver and stomach cancer. According to some investigations in patients with liver cancer and stomach cancer, there are a large number of people who regularly eat pickles.

Note when eating coffee

- Do not eat salted coffee. Experts recommend that eating salted coffee in this way does not guarantee that the coffee is fermented, the coffee is even raw, so the risk of poisoning due to solanine infection is difficult to avoid.

- Do not eat too much, especially young children, the elderly, sick people, pregnant women, postpartum, new sick people . should not eat coffee.

- When the cucumber has streaked or black mold, they can cause poisoning and should be removed

- Postpartum women who eat a lot of salted tomato will be detrimental to milk production. Both mother and baby can cough, blood gas is not available, can cause aches and pains.



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