Change how to eat to reduce annoying monthly term

(Phunutoday)-If you see many cramps or unusual menstrual period or severe bleeding, be sure to check with your doctor gynecology to ensure does not happen something serious.


Common causes of cramps during menstrual period The most common causes of menstrual cramps is caused when the muscles of the uterus spasm and oxygen supply. The pain usually begins a few days before the menstrual cycle appear and can last for the first few days after menstruation. If you can't stand the pain, my sister can come "rescue" is hot or cold, pain relievers to avoid some types of foods. Some Sisters felt more comfortable these days thanks to the use of contraceptives, maintain a healthy lifestyle with the diet and exercise regularly.

The most common causes causes menstrual cramps, dysmenorrhea is when the muscles of the uterus spasm and oxygen supply.

If the pain is severe pain lasting then don't hesitate without talking to the doctor to know for sure that that is not the sign of a more serious condition. But if you just like many other sisters is usually colicky, accompanied by cramps, then you can seek help from all natural diet. Why the sisters often appetite in the menstrual cycle? Usually the women usually have the appetite as well as the desire to eat more than about a week prior to the cycle, at the same time, the sisters often tired and more sensitive these days. Here are the 3 most common symptoms in most sisters, just different levels. If you consume too many amounts of caffeine, alcohol, or a diet too much saturated fat then this is the time for you to cut that stuff to reduce the menstrual pain as well as the mood swings related to the menstrual cycle.

Usually the women usually have the appetite as well as the desire to eat more than about a week prior to the cycle.

Why do we have these cravings of fatty foods, and why we have an increased appetite before and during "red lights"? This is actually a very natural thing of the reproductive system. But it can also be explained by biological clocks then the woman will tend to go into a State of reproduction, and estrogen levels will climb at the point they are in the "reproduction", and the natural reaction of the body is consuming more calories than to help the fertilized eggs has shed. Women with a body fat percentage higher will can easily become pregnant more than a thin woman. So, when you have a hankering to eat fatty food, let's blame the demand evolution of reproduction, and don't be too paying yourself. But if you're not trying to get pregnant or you are not too thin so that to gain weight, you should not eat more to avoid the discomfort can encounter in the menstrual cycle.

But if you're not trying to get pregnant or you are not too thin so that to gain weight, you should not eat more to avoid the discomfort can encounter in the menstrual cycle.

Foods help relieve cramps during menstruation When want to reduce the menstrual pain, or cramps really in these days, think of foods such as whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and foods rich in calcium and magnesium. Broccoli and kale as well as wheat and wheat bread, brown rice ... is the "candidate" very bright out of the foods. In theory, when you eat all fruits and vegetables should not give up shells. A large part of the nutrients are in the shell also helps the body absorb vitamin available in the shell. But today, when that very many types of fruit are often sprayed with pesticides or fertilizers and chemicals then eating in shell is absolutely not recommended.  

Reduce the menstrual pain, or cramps really in these days ...?

Chocolate is also a dish very well in this time because it has some benefits to health such as: there is an antioxidant that may help your mood buoyed as well as fight against sugar cravings. Although only dark chocolate contains the health benefits and every day should only eat 1-2 pieces, but you can also try not too worry. In addition, the sisters also have a choice of the following foods to your monthly cycle less discomfort. Flax seeds One or two tablespoons of flax seed every day can help relieve cramps. You can eat the same cereal or flax seed added morning smoothie. If not whole grain flaxseed consumption then you can also consume flaxseed oil cunngx are very good for health. Fish Fish contains Omega-3 fatty acids are not only good for the cardiovascular health of women that it also has the effect of anti-inflammation, may help with cramps as well as bloating. The salmon is the source known to contain more omega-3 for and also is rich in antioxidants. Tuna, Pacific herring and mackerel is also a smart choice for the day "to March".

A quick and easy way to convert your diet during menstruation is the replacement of components in the diet.

Avoid alcohol and some other foods This is also a way to help relieve menstrual cramps, and the pain during menstruation. Try to eat many small meals, eat more often to avoid down blood sugar makes you feel sluggish. The kind of red meat and dairy products should be avoided is the best because they actually increase the production of prostaglandins, contribute to menstrual cramps. Some suggestions in changing her diet to avoid menstrual cramps and cramps on "red lights" A quick and easy way to convert your diet during menstruation is the replacement of components in the diet. • Replace the omega-3 has many in the egg or use egg whites instead of whole eggs• When the consumption of sugar, Let's consume less than 1/3 of the normal• Use more olive oil instead of vegetable or canola oil• Choose low-fat foods with health benefits, such as olive oil, butter than margarine. Again, if you see many cramps or unusual menstrual period or severe bleeding, be sure to check with your doctor to make sure does not happen something serious.

(Xiao Ming)=



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