Create a Relaxing Staycation: Learn to De-Stress Close to Home

As summer winds to a close, you might find yourself still longing for a few sweet days of vacation. But if your autumn schedule is too packed to allow for travel, consider another option: A relaxing 'staycation' closer to home. Consider these ideas for activities you can do locally to decompress without traveling:

Visit a Museum

There's nothing like a museum to take you to far away places without leaving town. Museums contain a wealth of fascinating information and artifacts from around the world that can send your mind soaring to new horizons.

As part of your staycation, plan a museum day, or perhaps a full weekend. Even smaller communities usually have a local history or culture museum, and many towns boast children's museums, too. There's no reason you can't include the kids on your staycation. If you live in a larger city, or if you don't mind venturing to a nearby metropolis, you may find many more museums to choose from—art, science, natural history, and more.

See a Show

A successful staycation breaks you out of your usual ruts and routines. Attending a play or production at a local community theatre can help you accomplish this goal. Instead of another evening in front of the television, you can enjoy a fun night out taking in local culture. When you see an entertaining live show, the compelling story, exciting visuals, and talented cast may combine to take your mind off of your troubles—the perfect vacation goal!

Take a Class

Have you ever wanted to learn to paint, try a new sport, or join a meditation group? Now is your chance. Taking a class is an excellent staycation activity. Moreover, research published in the Journal of Gerontology has shown that there's a connection between adult education and cognitive ability in midlife.

What better way to find a change of pace than to learn something new? No matter what you choose to study and enjoy, you'll likely find the experience takes you away from the everyday.

Make a Spa Day

When on vacation, visiting a spa for pampering and treatments can be a favorite activity. But there's no need to venture far to receive the benefits of a great day at the spa: why not create a spa day for yourself in your own community?

Do your research first to find out what services the various spas in your area offer. You might find massages, facials, aromatherapy, hot tubs, manicures and pedicures, and other relaxing activities are available. Or, to save time and money, create your own spa day at home, with bubble bath and sweet-smelling candles. You can even create your own revitalizing facemask with a little oatmeal and water. Dab the mixture gently on your face, and use slices of cucumber for your eyes.

Explore Next Door

You need not venture far and wide to see interesting sights. Have you ever really explored your own area? Every town and city has its own monuments and parks that are worth a visit. You might not even realize that there are attractions in your region that curious travelers journey to see. Discover what the major sights are locally, and pay them a visit.

Get Away to Home Sweet Home

Staycations provide an opportunity to de-stress while exploring your own neighborhood, whether you want to enjoy a day at the spa, a trip to a local museum, or a production at your community theatre. Better yet, why not try a new yoga or mediation class in your area? Before you know it, you may find yourself feeling as if you just returned from a week on the beach.



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