Don't be foolish to eat chicken eggs this way so ALSO be sick about people, danger lurking right next to you

Do not take medicine after eating eggs

Everyone knows eggs are rich in protein, while inflammation in the body is related to protein intake.

So you should be careful not to take medicine after eating eggs. Especially if you are suffering from gastrointestinal diseases or diarrhea, stop eating chicken eggs.

The reason is that many chicken eggs will increase the burden on the stomach, affect the absorption and digestion.

Do not soak eggs in plain water

Many people after boiling eggs often put them in a bowl of water for easy peeling.

However, according to many studies, fresh chicken eggs have a protective film on the outside to prevent the invasion of microorganisms. When boiled, the eggshell does not have this membrane.

Therefore, when ripe eggs are placed in water, the 'air bag' inside the egg has a strange barrier effect from the outside environment, which is also broken due to the sudden drop in temperature.

At this point, water and microorganisms easily penetrate inside, causing the eggs to degrade and break down quickly.

Do not eat unripe boiled chicken eggs for overnight

It is important to eat whether or not the eggs are cooked or not, depending on whether the eggs have been boiled or not, for unripe boiled eggs or peaches, it is best not to eat them.

Because boiled chicken eggs overnight, temperatures above 10 degrees C will cause bacteria to multiply and grow.

Therefore, when you eat, you may have symptoms such as flatulence, hot, miasma, upset stomach, even diarrhea .

Boil eggs for too long, fry eggs with high temperature

Boiling eggs is the best way to absorb many nutrients. However, eggs only need to boil until it is not too long to easily degrade proteins, affecting health.

Fried chicken eggs or tiles used should be kept low, a little long time for medium-sized yolk to be good. Large fire easily causes the outside to burn, the inside is not ripe yet. At that time, burnt egg whites will be difficult to absorb and destroy water-soluble vitamins like vitamins B1 and B2.

The correct way to boil eggs is to put the eggs together with water and then boil them slowly. When the water boils, turn on the heat for about 2 minutes then turn off the heat soak the egg for about 5 minutes. The ideal time for eggs to fully mature from 10-12 minutes. Thus, the eggs have just matured, the yolk is not overcooked, easily absorbed. When boiling eggs, a little salt can be added to keep the eggs from breaking.

Eat eggs when hungry

When the stomach is hungry, if too many foods containing high protein content such as eggs, milk, meat . are tolerated, the protein will be "oppressed" to transform into heat and dissipate. Use to nourish the body's nutrition.

At the same time, in a short time that accumulating too much protein, during the resolution process will produce a large amount of harmful substances such as urea, ammonia . detrimental to the health of the body.



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