Drinking milk is very good but here are the yellow notes that everyone needs to remember to not harm health

Do not drink too thick milk

Many people think that the more solid milk is, the more nutritious it will be. However, this is completely wrong. Drinking too concentrated milk will cause the milk concentration to exceed the normal ratio standard.

Some people worry that fresh milk is too light, so adding powdered milk to the milk makes it very harmful. If children regularly drink too thick milk will cause abdominal pain, constipation, poor appetite or even food refusal, also leading to acute hemorrhagic enteritis. This is because the child's internal organs are weak and soft, drinking condensed milk will be difficult for digestion.

Do not drink milk when hungry

Do not drink milk on an empty stomach and preferably with starchy foods. When hungry, gastrointestinal motility occurs quickly, milk will only 'stay' in the stomach for a very short time, so nutrients will not be digested and absorbed, causing serious problems. .

If eaten with starchy foods such as bread, dumplings, . the milk will stay longer in the stomach, giving the body time to absorb the rich nutritional content of cow's milk . Thus, if you drink cow's milk after eating rice, it will have the same effect.

Do not drink cow's milk after milking

The stages of the production and transportation of cow's milk can be contaminated with harmful bacteria, so it is not advisable to drink cow's milk after milking.

The packaged milk used in the market often uses a pasteurization method, but it is possible that the sterilization process is not thorough, at the right temperature, the remaining germs can continue to multiply into a source of indigestion. flowing, so need to boil before drinking.

People suffering from esophagitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis: In cow's milk contains a lot of fat, which can reduce the elastic function of the lower esophagus, leading to heartburn, so patients with esophagitis Do not drink cow's milk.

Who should not drink milk?

People with kidney stones

People with kidney stones should avoid milk because this food is high in calcium, normal people can add calcium to strengthen bones, but when kidney stones are present, excessive calcium intake can increase kidney stone formation in kidney. Since then, the condition is also very difficult to improve.

Gallbladder or pancreas function is not good

In the composition of milk is quite high in fat, to digest it requires the participation of the gallbladder and pancreas. If the two organs are unhealthy, the undigested fat will go directly to other parts of the digestive tract, increasing the burden on the intestines.

New people undergo abdominal surgery

Most common milk types contain the presence of lactic acid bacilli. Lactic acid bacteria usually ferment inside the intestinal tract. So when undergoing gastric surgery with the application of high-tech medical procedures to inhibit, anesthetize the abdominal organs will make the special peristalsis in the intestine weakened and worsen the flatulence.



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