Drinking this sugar-free juice is more harmful than drinking soft drinks, many people don't know

If drinking more than 12 oz (equivalent to 355 ml) per day, even without sugar, the risk of premature death from all causes still increases by 24%.

Meanwhile, drinking more than 355 ml of soda per day only increases the risk of all-cause mortality by 11%.

The reason is that sugar-free fruit actually contains a lot of sugar! Even if you don't add any sugar or syrup, the fruit itself has sugar. When you consume fruit in a juice-style way, the number of fruits you need to fill is much higher than that of direct eating. Meanwhile, squeezing out fruit with a lot of fiber is beneficial but leaving most of the sugar in that fruit in your glass.

The study focused on fructose, the fruit-rich sugar and is used to sweeten carbonated beverages. Consuming it increases blood lipids, increases inflammation and the risk of high blood pressure. Another sugar that is also present is glucose, which is related to insulin resistance and diabetes. In addition, juice or soft drinks all involve coronary artery disease, which can lead to heart attack. They all explain that they increase the risk of premature death.

For children, the amount of fruit juice consumed should be reduced. Previously, the US Agency for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended only children who consume 4-6 oz (118.3 ml - 177.4 ml) of 100% natural juice each day. For children over 7 years old, the limit is 8 oz (236.6ml).

"Although sugar in 100% fruit juice is natural rather than added, once it is metabolized, the biological response is essentially the same" - two experts are Dr. Marta Guasch-Ferré and Dr. Frank Hu, from Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health (Harvard University, USA), wrote in a commentary published with a study in the scientific journal JAMA Network Open.

Things to keep in mind when drinking fruit juice

Do not drink in the early morning or when you are hungry

When you're hungry or early in the morning, our stomachs are almost empty and are in high demand. At this time, if using fruit juice, the acid content in this food will increase, causing harm to health.

Do not drink at the time of eating

After eating well, the stomach will need to digest the food that has just been loaded. If you use fruit juice at this time, it will cause the stomach to overburden, causing a lot of bad effects on the digestive system.

Do not drink too much

As my father used to say, 'complement poisoning'. Anything that loads too much is not good and so does fruit juice. The use of regular fruit juice in large amounts can cause diabetes, obesity, diarrhea and many other health problems.

Do not heat fruit juice

Some vitamins and nutrients, such as vitamin C, are easy to decompose or evaporate when exposed to high temperatures. Therefore, heating the juice will result in the loss of the above nutrients, making many of the wonderful uses of this food ineffective.

Do not mix fruit juice with milk

Most fruit juices contain tartaric acid ingredients. This acid reacts with proteins in milk, making them difficult to absorb and can cause digestive disorders for people who have a weak base.



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