Drinking water and still feeling thirsty: Warning signs against 5 dangerous diseases

Kidney disease

The most dangerous disease in the group of the causes of euphoria, thirst, and drinking more water is kidney disease.

When the kidneys have problems, it may have caused loss of moisture storage function in the body, so it needs a lot of water to supplement to maintain the normal functioning of the related body organs, makes the patient very thirsty.

Specific symptoms of kidney disease include: pyelonephritis, nephritis, glomerulonephritis . can cause dry mouth. When urine output decreases, patients will also feel thirsty. This is one of the signs of thirst for warning early kidney disease, you should be careful.

If you often feel that you still need to drink water and still feel thirsty, be wary. At this time, you should go to the hospital for timely examination and treatment.


Due to an increase in blood sugar in the body, in the excretory system there is an abnormal change, the amount of sugar in the urine will appear to a certain extent, thereby increasing the amount of urine, urinating more than making The body lacks water and lack of water leads to increased plasma osmotic pressure.

Therefore, many diabetics will have symptoms of dry mouth and thirst in the early stages. If there is suspicion about this cause, it is best to go to the doctor early.


We all know that the process of working and performing the functions of thyroid synthesis will release too many hormones in the thyroid gland, and thyroid hormones promote metabolism, promote the body to increase food intake. and adding more water, so there will be constant thirst.

When eliminating other factors related to thirst, you should also consider the ability of the thyroid gland to adjust in time.

Situation of sound of fire and fire in prosperity

According to the concept of Traditional Chinese Medicine, experts believe that people with a deficiency of sound (negative sound) will have faster metabolism, more water consumption, increased body temperature while clear water flow. can be reduced and therefore easily lead to heat in the liver.

In addition, the sound of the fire is also causing the stomach to become hot, dry, dry, dry, urine is small and red or yellow.

People with negative sounds should often choose a solution from natural foods, can drink white chrysanthemum tea, work to soothe the liver and improve eyesight, nourish yin and reduce internal heat, loading fire.

Improper use of medication

Some people feel dry and thirsty after taking the medicine, which is caused by improper use of the medicine.

In the opinion of experts, because some drugs can cause an imbalance between water and electrolytes when used incorrectly, so you can only use the drug under the guidance of a doctor, no drink arbitrarily.

Of course, some of the medications that you have on your own are causing dry mouth, such as antihypertensive drugs, so when you drink them, you will feel thirsty.

Note when drinking water to ensure health

Drink when you feel tired

Suddenly, when you feel tired, anxious, irritable or unable to concentrate, then you need water help.

A glass of warm water will keep you awake, calm, dispel the feeling of discomfort, frustration and psychological disruption much more effectively.

Not thirsty also drink

Teens we often have a bad habit of only drinking water when thirsty. This is an extremely anti-scientific habit and extremely harmful to 'beauty'. Because when your body feels thirsty, you lose about 2% of your body's water.

According to scientists, drinking water regularly, even when not thirsty, will make people healthier, work better and become more tired. Meanwhile, drinking only when thirsty or thirsty for a long time will make people more tired. Do not drink too much for a while

Many teenagers often have a habit of drinking too much water to satisfy their thirst. But drinking 'mighty' to satisfy thirst will prevent digestion, causing heart to beat up, difficulty breathing, cold sweating, .

In addition, drinking too much will speed up urination and take too fast to cause flatulence. Therefore, you should only drink slowly sips, each sip of about 100ml and spaced 10 - 15 minutes away. Do not drink water to stay overnight

Our home often has the habit of drinking cold boiled water, which is a good habit. However, it would be dangerous to store it overnight. According to the study, water used to stay overnight often appears a lot of impurities that are harmful to intestinal diseases.

Bottled water is full of bacteria

Many drinking water production facilities advertise that investing in production lines is completely automatic with modern technology but in reality, it is only pumping water from drilled wells, after filtering and filtering . pouring into bottles and bottles and sell. That's not including the countless 'underground' facilities, drinking water production does not follow a technology, any process .

Therefore, to ensure safety, we are best not to use bottled drinking water of unknown origin because it is easy to cause danger to the body.



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