Eating salty at risk of cancer

Eat broken salt

Do not eat pickles with viscous phenomenon, dark black, moldy or strange smell because it is broken melon, extremely toxic to health.

Eat salted coffee

In melon, salted and salted, there is still a pungent, pungent taste, the content of nitrate is converted into nitrite by microorganisms in salted pickled water. Nitrit will combine with amino acids in foods such as crab, shrimp, fish, meat, especially shrimp sauce and become nitrosamine - a substance capable of causing disease.

Coffee is not hygienic

Before salt pickling, wash ingredients and salting tools thoroughly. It is necessary to create a good fermentation environment and to maintain hygiene during pickling, to avoid invasion of harmful bacteria. It is best to plant pickled salt to limit the melon containing urea nitrogen to ensure food hygiene.

Do not eat salted tomato too

People with heart disease, hypertension, kidney disease, liver disease, stomach ulcers should not eat pickled pickles because they are high in salt, high digestive enzymes, can cause adverse health effects.

Coffee can cause cancer

Although in the cannon contains anticancer agents like nightshade soda, but if processed and used this way wrongly, it has the opposite effect leading to stomach and liver cancer. Why is that?

Because many people are in the habit of salting into plastic bottles, especially if they eat coffee bought from outside. If the plastic does not guarantee quality, during fermentation, it produces acid, then this acid corrodes the plastic shell and penetrates into the coffee. When ingested, this toxin directly affects the stomach and passes through the liver, causing damage to the liver, increasing the risk of liver and stomach cancer.

So must take salt with a bottle / glass or porcelain bottle to avoid harm to health, cancer risk of mothers!

What to consider when eating salt salt:

- Do not eat raw artillery, salted sauces to avoid poisoning due to solanine infection.

- Do not eat salt and salt for a long time, stinging easily causes poisoning.

- Do not eat too much salt, no matter where you go.

- Do not eat salted when you are sick, get sick because the toxin in the coffee will make you tired, uncomfortable and even worse.

- Postpartum women should not eat salted tomatoes, because it will interfere with milk production and may cause cough for both mother and child.



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