Help sisters always in the summer

1. no menstrual period in relations

While relations have been more choice of girlfriend because of the lower rate. But you should avoid this in the summer because it will make the chance of inflammation higher than winter. At this point, the balance and acid alkalin in the vagina is changed and bacteria can easily invade and spread. In particular, in the summer, "the secret" is usually more moist heat will create conditions for bacterial growth.

2. the regular sealed toilet

The enclosed region "potty" daily or the necessity of day (especially in the days of menstruation) is to keep the "closed zone" clean, minimize the risk of loss of balance and bad bacteria growth. But the sanitation Department sealed too often or too deep DOUCHING with aromatherapy products can lose the natural balance of the vagina. Worse can make the vagina scratched leading to serious infection in the cervix and uterus.

3. Wear cotton underwear

Are women, most of us are very difficult to resist the allure of choosing for themselves the sexy lingerie with lace or silk material, and most recently the underwear type su not seam. But cotton underwear or new airy is required in the summer because it would help "the secret," glimpse than dry, avoid moisture for bacteria to thrive.

4. Replace wet clothes as soon as possible

When wearing wet clothes, the sealed environment become proliferating area ideal for vaginal yeast. Once they grow too much you will start feeling itchy and burning continuously. The doctor recommended specialist sisters should change immediately after exercise or when going swimming.

5. Replace the tampons frequently during the days of red lights

Do not replace regular tampons in on red lights is also a factor which made the region sealed developed a yeast infection. On average you need to replace 3-4 pieces of ice each day. But in the summer the more careful when using 4-5 pieces is the best thing.

6. Drink water frequently

The addition of frequent water not only helps healthy body but also helps sisters avoid urinary tract infections. Urinary tract infection weakens the genital tract-urology and cause more vaginal infections. In addition you should also clean the sealed after intercourse.

7. Treatment of vaginal yeast infections as soon as possible

If you suffer from yeast infections, should see a doctor to be treated immediately. Absolutely not self diagnose and cure because of the indiscriminate use of drugs can leave more serious consequences than you thought.=



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