If you have a persistent cough, you may have serious illnesses

Lung disease

Lungs are one of the vital organs of our body. If you have a long-term cough that doesn't go away, not from mouth ulcers, gum bleeding, you should be aware because you most likely have lung disease. In particular, lung cancer patients will often cough up blood.

Cold scene

Recently, if you have a persistent cough, with a runny nose, headache . You probably have a cold. When the respiratory tract becomes infected, coughing is a common phenomenon. But this phenomenon will often go away on its own. If your cold does not go away after 2 weeks, go to the hospital to check.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease

Gastroesophageal reflux is also a common gastrointestinal disease. After eating, patients often suffer from heartburn and acid reflux. In addition, there is a symptom that people often ignore, that is cough.

Although cough from gastroesophageal reflux is not common, it can still happen. Gastric acid secretes too much and refluxes into the trachea are easy to cause cough. In this case, you can easily stop coughing for a long time.

Respiratory infections

Cough caused by respiratory infections is very common. Cough is a common symptom and you rarely care. But if you have a long-term cough that doesn't go away, you should go to the hospital to avoid major problems.

Tips to reduce chronic cough symptoms:

- Drink plenty of water or juice

- Use cough cough

- If you have gastroesophageal reflux, you should avoid overeating or eating within 2 - 3 hours before bedtime.

- Turn on humidifier to increase air humidity, or take a hot bath and steam bath.

- Use saline nasal spray or nasal wash bottle.

- Do not smoke and stay away from smoke.



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