Is it true that drinking water in plastic bottles can cause cancer?

Is it true that drinking water in plastic bottles can cause cancer?

Most plastic bottles today are made up of long chains of hydrocarbon molecules. How manufacturers can use more chemicals within the allowed limits to add flexibility, flexibility or color to plastic bottles.

Currently, many Vietnamese have the habit of reusing plastic bottles containing water. However, this does not bring health benefits.

Repeated use plus frequent exposure to high temperatures, sunlight, and plastic bottles can produce harmful substances and soak into water. Low quality plastic products can lead to serious health problems like cancer.

Some types of plastic bottles may contain BPA chemicals that are quite similar to female hormones like estrogen. Long-term use of BPA-contaminated plastic bottles can cause early or late puberty in women.

BPA also affects the fertility, nervous system and increase in body fat, physiological development process in children. BPA adversely affects and weakens the immune system, making the body more susceptible to infections.

Many studies show that people using low quality bottled water can increase the risk of prostate cancer, breast cancer and affect fertility.

Plastic bottles nourish bacteria

In a study published in the Canadian Journal of Public Health, scientists from the University of Calgary collected 76 water samples from bottles of elementary students. Many water bottles of this type have been reused many times.

They found that nearly two-thirds of the water samples had bacterial concentrations exceeding the allowed limit for drinking water.

Cathy Ryan, one of the researchers said: 'Bacteria will grow if they are in the right conditions'. Such as nutrients, humidity and temperature, 'plastic bottles have all these elements'.

In another study, scientists collected bacterial samples on the neck of a plastic bottle to be used continuously for a week without washing.

The results indicate that this bacterial population contains agents that can make adults sick, the same as food poisoning. "They can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea," says Richard Wallace, a medical doctor from Texas Medical University.

Not all plastic bottles are reusable

Each type of plastic bottle is made from a different material and has different usage. Not all plastic bottles are reusable. The manufacturer prints the symbols for reuse of plastic bottles at the bottom or at the bottom of the bottle.

Consumers can read the symbols and know if they should be reused.

- If the bottle is labeled 1 (PET or PETE): It is only safe for one use. When exposed to air oxygen or high temperatures (including the sun), these bottles decompose into toxic substances.

- Plastics labeled with number 3 or 7 (PVC and PC) should not be reused because they are two toxic chemicals and easily blend into your food, drinking water should be used.

- Plastic bottles made from polyethylene (No. 2 and 4) and polypropylene (No. 5 and PP) suitable for repeated use. However, please note that they are only safe if you use to store cold water and must clean plastic bottles regularly.



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