Nails have black stripes, drink this kind of drink right away to detoxify the body before it's too late!

Some unusual signs on the nail that you need to pay attention to

- Unusual colors: Pale-colored nails are a sign of malnutrition. Besides, nails with a tendency to turn dark yellow or black are also symptoms of liver disease and some other chronic diseases.

- Unusual striated lines: The appearance of vertical lines on the nail is a warning sign that you are debilitating. Meanwhile, horizontal lines indicate the body is suffering from gastrointestinal diseases.

- Abnormal spots: Tiny white spots appear on nails is a manifestation of calcium deficiency in children. Red spots are a warning about capillary bleeding. More dangerous, black spots speckled on your nails are seen as the "rescue signal" of the body against serious diseases such as blood circulation disorders, necrosis, cancer .

So when you notice that your fingernails or toenails appear even with only the slightest abnormal signs, you should quickly go to medical facilities for a health check before it's too late!

Here are some ways to eliminate toxins when the body has 'alarming' symptoms:

One is drinking chrysanthemum tea to detoxify liver and blood fat: Ingredients include chrysanthemum, death sentence and draft resolution. This tea will work to help the liver, kidneys, no striped lines appear on the nail, this is a very good drink for the liver.

Two are red beans: Red beans are rich in Vitamin A, protein and other beneficial nutrients, when eating a lot of red beans can prevent and treat foot edema. In addition, other components in red beans have the effect of promoting digestion, diuretic, eliminating edema caused by the heart or kidney, in addition to red beans also have the effect of polishing and smoothing nails.

Three is bitter melon tea: This tea has the effect of adding kidneys, blood tonic, spleen, changing nail condition.

Four is lemon juice: This fruit is rich in vitamins A and C, also rich in organic acids, citric acid. It is also an alkaline-rich food, has a strong antioxidant effect, promotes skin metabolism, prevents aging and therefore is a very useful food.

Year is rose tea: This tea has the effect of regulating the endocrine, increasing blood circulation, increasing blood purification, so it has a great effect on people who regularly drink alcohol and beer. In addition, this tea also works in beauty, is a drink that helps increase moisture to the skin, improves pigmentation and improves nail color.

Six is ​​red apple tea: In apples that have the function of fortifying the liver, kidneys, eyes, and lungs, preventing aging. Red apple tea longan with a little brown sugar will work to warm the stomach, make blood, smooth the nail color.

Don't underestimate small changes in your body, whether you or your mother are lucky not to have nail cancer like the girl above. But that black spot is also a sign that we should pay more attention to our own health.



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