Outlined face 5 food is assassin suppressing calcium, eating a lot should not ask why dwarf stars, destroy joint bone


According to experts, in the spinach contains oxalate, this substance causes the body's ability to absorb calcium. Therefore, if you want to eat legged vegetables, the mother should add caxi-rich foods to balance. For example, moms can scan a layer of cheese on vegetables, they can eat. Because in cheese, it is rich in calcium, the body can fully absorb from here.

Salt and sodium-rich foods

According to Associate Professor Pham Chi Hong, salty foods often have a higher concentration of sodium. If used too much, it will increase calcium in the urine. In a simpler way, if you eat salty too much, you will be excreted largely by your urine. This causes the body to be deficient in calcium, leading to the risk of osteoporosis.

Nutrition experts also warn, for every 2,300mg of sodium absorbed into your body, you will lose 40mg of calcium. One study conducted experiments on people who ate salty and light. The results showed that those who ate salty foods lost more of their minerals.

If you want your body to absorb calcium well, you should also limit the consumption of processed foods (because they are very high in salt) such as sausages, bacon, .


In fact, beans are rich in magnesium, fiber. These substances are specifically used to prevent osteoporosis. However, in some types of beans such as pinto, navy beans, peas are rich in phytate. This substance limits the body's ability to absorb calcium. Therefore, experts recommend that, if you want to eat, you should eat separately and not eat at the same time many types of beans.

Moreover, mothers should also soak beans in the water a few hours before cooking. This can help remove some of the phytate in beans. Every week, moms should only eat 1 bean.


A study has demonstrated that drinking 7 cans of cola each week will reduce the density of minerals in bones and increase the risk of bone fractures. That's because cola contains phosphoric acid. This is a type of food additive that often weakens the intestinal tract and prevents the body from absorbing calcium. Therefore, instead of giving your baby cola, please let me drink milk, fruit juice, vitamins .

Food causes bone inflammation (Tomato, mushroom, pepper, eggplant)

These are probably the favorite foods of many people. However, they are in the top food causing osteitis. The mother can eat because they contain nhieeuf vitamin but should only eat once a week.

Factors that make you calcium deficient

- Although calcium is very much in food, you still have a risk of deficiency if you do not know how to choose a food source to supplement during the risk period.

- The diet you eat is rich in calcium but does not have enough vitamin D, the body does not absorb well.

- You balance calcium well during meals, but some natural compounds like oxalate (in spinach, cabbage, broccoli, broccoli) or phytate (in beans), can reduce Calculation of calcium.

If you are in the risk group, you should spend at least one side meal on a day of calcium rich foods, avoid combining with vegetables containing oxalate.

How to coordinate and regulate the amount of calcium from food

Regarding differences in absorption rates and effectiveness of calcium supplements, GS. Miller advises his parents: "We should prioritize calcium supplements from food instead of medicine. Choose calcium-rich foods and do not eat foods that inhibit their activity. This is a safe way. Best".

You can choose natural calcium rich foods like milk, yogurt and cheese. In it, cheese has 3 times more calcium than milk and yogurt calculated on the same weight (cheese: 600-800mg calcium / 100g, milk: 70-120mg calcium / 100ml and yogurt 120-140mg / 100gr).

You need to maintain at least 3 eating units with the above calcium rich food group. These foods can be used in meals and snacks (snacks). Children aged 7.5 months can use yogurt and cheese, about 15 grams / day.

In addition, adequate vitamin D supplementation helps to maximize calcium absorption from food, especially for women who are about to become pregnant (4 weeks before planning to become pregnant), during pregnancy. , breastfeeding for the first 6 months, and children under 5 years old. If you do not achieve the correct density and peak bone mass, it will affect your child's bone and growth problems.



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