Pork cooked with these is no different from poison


Because apricots are sour and fat pork is sweet, cold when eating them together will lead to cholera, dysentery.

Shrimp, snails

According to the five taboo correlation, if eating pork with these foods will easily cause abdominal pain, indigestion, digestive disorders.

Apricot leaves

Pork and apricot leaves are both foods containing a large amount of protein, if combined together, it will easily precipitate protein so that the body cannot absorb the inherent nutrients. To avoid indigestion and poisoning, you should avoid eating pork with apricot leaves.

Pork and herbs

Herbs are mild and exhausted while pork is useful, making it difficult for the two foods to combine processing.


The nutritional content of pork and beef is completely different, if cooked together will reduce the nutrients in both foods. The reason is that pork is welding and beef is temperate, it is best to cook each type of meat separately, ensuring both the taste of the dish and preserving the necessary nutrients for the body.


Soybean is one of the phosphorus-rich foods, when combined with pork, the phosphorus content of soybeans has the potential to reduce the nutritional value of pork and vice versa. To get the most from these two foods, you should not combine soy with pork.


Many people have the habit of adding ginger to pork when processing to eliminate the smell of meat but this is completely wrong. Pork belongs to water, raw ginger belongs to fire, this combination will lead to fire fighting water causing rheumatism, causing the appearance of dark spots on the face.

Liver (especially goat liver)

Liver in general and goat's liver in particular are prohibited from use with pork. They not only cause pork to smell, become difficult to eat but also cause the phenomenon of gas bloating very uncomfortable.


Pork served with quail will form the melanin causing black skin.

Pork pulp is hydrophobic alcohol

Octopus, pig marrow, and alcohol use adversely affect male sexual function.

Cavalry pig liver fish

Cavalry liver is eaten with fish because it is prone to boils. This dish is also incompatible with sparrow meat.



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