Pregnancy at is best and is considered the 'golden point'?

Time of conception is the most important thing when you want to have children, you will need to pay attention to many problems including the time the relationship is ideal for conception. Just don't pay attention to this issue, you may have missed several good chances for the sperm meets the egg.

Time of conception is the most important thing when wanting to have children.

Where is the best time to relations if want to conceive?

Time is very important in the conception. The sperm can live from two to three days but only live about 12 to 24 hours. To increase your chances of conceiving, it is important to have a relationship more than once during the period of ovulation. The best way is to have sexual relations from one or two days before ovulation and maintain that pace for next day ovulate. By the way, do you have a source of healthy sperm in the fallopian tube waiting when the egg is released.

However, it is difficult to determine the time of ovulation correctly. It all depends on the length of the menstrual cycle. An average woman ovulate about 14 days before the next monthly period rather than the middle of the cycle as people often think. If you have a 28-day cycle, you will ovulate mid cycle. However, if you have a 35 day cycle, you will ovulate on or around day 21, not on the 17th.

Best childbearing age

The best time for conception in the life of the woman is 24-29 years old, a man about 30 years old. Year old woman also too small (under 20 years) or have high (on 35 years) are detrimental to eugenics (childbirth ).

The factors detrimental to eugenics

- Get pregnant when they have the disease.

-Conception period.

-Smoking, drinking alcohol during pregnancy.

-Pregnancy when emotionally upsetting.

-Conceive soon after stopping pill

-Conceive after x-ray projection many times

-Conceive in adverse circumstances.

-Pregnancy in poor nutritional status.=



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