Rebounding: Benefits, Safety, How To, and More

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What is rebounding?

Rebounding is a type of aerobic exercise that is performed while jumping on a mini-trampoline. Jumps can be fast or slow, and can be mixed with rest or aerobic stepping.

Rebounding can help work the muscles in the legs, increase your endurance, and strengthen your bones, among a number of other benefits. This type of exercise is gaining popularity because it's gentle on the joints but allows you to work your cardiovascular system without taxing the body.

Read on to learn about the benefits of rebounding, plus safety tips and more.

Why you should try rebounding

Rebounding is a low-impact cardiovascular exercise. It's generally appropriate for people of all ages, from children to older adults.

Following are some additional benefits of rebounding:

  • Works the abdominal (core), leg, buttock, and deep back muscles.
  • May help improve endurance
  • May stimulate the lymphatic system. Rebounding may help your body flush out toxins, bacteria, dead cells, and other waste products.
  • May help improve balance, coordination, and overall motor skills.
  • Supports bone density, bone strength, and bone formation, while decreasing bone resorption, so it may be a good option if you have osteoporosis. Bouncing puts small amounts of pressure on the bones, which helps them grow stronger.
  • May support pelvic floor health, according to anecdotal reports. Bouncing works the muscles of the deep core that help prevent urinary incontinence and stabilize hip joints.
Safety tips

As with any exercise, it's a good idea to ask your doctor before you start rebounding. While mini-trampolines do help absorb some of the force you might experience with traditional land exercises, like running, this type of exercise may not be appropriate if you've had previous surgeries or have other medical concerns.

When using a mini-trampoline:

  • Check to ensure that your trampoline is in working order and on a stable surface before each workout to reduce risk for falls or other injury.
  • Move the trampoline away from the wall or other objects, like furniture.
  • Be sure to do different types of moves on your trampoline so you don't overuse the same muscles each time you work out.
  • Consider purchasing a trampoline with a handlebar for extra stability and balance.
  • If you have small children, store your trampoline away when not in use or otherwise be sure to supervise children who may play on or around it.
  • Stop jumping immediately if you notice any shortness of breath, pain, or other warning signs with your health.

You may feel a bit dizzy or lightheaded after your first few times on a mini-trampoline. Your body may just need some time to adjust to this new type of movement, but you should still stop working out if you feel faint or dizzy. If these feelings continue for several workout, contact your doctor.

How to get started

To try rebounding on your own, you'll need to purchase a mini-trampoline for home use or join a gym that provides them.

If you plan to purchase one, keep in mind that there are many different types of trampolines. Be sure to choose an adult model that is small enough to fit in a corner of your home. It may be helpful to double check measurements before ordering.

What to look for in a mini-trampoline

The ideal trampoline for rebounding should have sturdy, stable legs. The circumference often falls somewhere between 36 and 48 inches.

It should be able to hold adult weight, at minimum 220 to 250 pounds. You'll likely notice that larger trampolines can support more weight.

Quiet performance, meaning the springs don't make noise when you bounce, is another nice feature.

If you're short on space, you may want to consider a foldable model that easily stows away. There are also some mini-trampolines that come with a handlebar, which can be handy if you're a beginner. You may even come across a few that come with a built-in tracker to record things like your jumps per minute and calories burned.

Here are some highly rated options at various price points:

  • Stamina Folding Trampoline
  • Marcy Trampoline Cardio Trainer
  • Ancheer Mini Trampoline
  • Stamina InTone Oval Jogger
  • JumpSport 220 Fitness Trampoline

What to look for in a group fitness class

There are rebounding classes at individual gyms across the country and beyond. Keep in mind they may go by the name 'mini-trampoline' or 'rebounding.'

Ask around to see if there are any offered in your area. You can also find classes by searching 'rebounding classes near me' on Google or another search engine.

You may need to register for classes in advance since there are likely only a set number of trampolines available. Be sure to call ahead or, if necessary, register online before attending a class.

Some rebounding-specific franchises that may be available in your area include:

  • trampoLEAN in the New York City area
  • ((BOUNCE)) in the United Kingdom
  • Jumping Fitness, with various locations worldwide

If you don't like the gym but are interested in a group fitness class, Bounce Society Fitness is an online community where you can take rebounding classes guided by certified instructors.

How to rebound


Begin with a few minutes of easy jumping to warm up your muscles. The idea when you start is to get used to the sensation of jumping. It's not something you do in your everyday life.

The proper way to jump isn't what you'd necessarily do naturally. You want to try to stomp down on the trampoline's surface. And you don't need to jump very high, just one to two inches is fine. Check out this video for some pointers.

Basic jog

A basic jog on the trampoline is a good beginning exercise. It involves keeping your back straight or, alternatively, leaning slightly backward and lifting your knees in front of you one at a time as you jog in place. Your arms should pump at your sides like they do when you're running on the ground.

If you're a beginner, you may only want to lift your knees a couple inches. Once you've built up strength, you can progress to high knees, where your thigh becomes parallel to the ground below you.

Advanced jog

Once you get the jogging form down, you can move around on the trampoline. Begins with a basic jog, and then move to a wider stance. You can even move your arms above your head as you continue jogging.

As the workout progresses, jogs from one side of the trampoline to the other. Moving from side to side can help activate different muscle groups.

Here's a video jogging routine to consider.

Jumping jacks

Jumping jacks on a rebounder aren't like normal jumping jacks. When doing jumping jacks on a rebounder, you'll want to stomp down as you move your legs in and out.

Your torso should be bent slightly forward and your arms don't need to go overhead. Instead, move them in and then out to your sides as you power down with your legs.

Continue this motion for 2 to 3 minutes.

Pelvic floor bounce

To work your pelvic floor on the rebounder, place a soft, squishy exercise ball between your knees. Then, begin slowly bouncing as you breathe into your pelvis. It may help to place your hands on your pubic bone to focus on this area.

Breathe out as you squeeze your inner thighs together and bounce for 2 to 5 minutes total. Start for a shorter amount of time and extend the time as you build strength.


While you can do any of these workouts for any length of time, alternating intense effort with recovery effort may help you burn more caloriesand improve your overall cardiovascular fitness.

Try jumping with hard effort for 20 seconds and resting or jumping with light effort for 10 seconds. Repeat these intervals for 7 more times.

As you get stronger, you may increase your interval length to a minute or more.


Once you're comfortable with jumping, you can increase your effort with a higher intensity workout by adding weights.

If you decide to add weights, start by holding light hand weights (2 to 3 pounds) for only a few minutes and work your way up to heavier weights and a longer duration.

How often should you rebound?

There's no set guideline for the number of days to incorporate rebounding into your routine. A 2018 study showed that participants who exercised on mini-trampolines for as few as three days a week saw big benefits, like increased running speed.

How long you jump each session is really up to you and your fitness level. You may get many benefits with as little as 15 to 20 minutes of exercise on a mini-trampoline. But, if you're just starting out with rebounding, you may want to begin with shorter workouts and build as you adjust.

The takeaway

All you need to start rebounding is a basic trampoline. You can find workouts online for free on sites like YouTube, making this a budget-friendly workout.

Whether you're looking for a low-impact routine or for motivation to kickstart your fitness goals, rebounding may be just what you need to bounce some life back into your exercise routine.



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