See this sign: Think about the lung's warning immediately, be careful of your body being seriously poisoned

1. Warning signs of lung disease


"We often tell patients that if you feel wheezing and can't take a deep breath, immediately go to the doctor," Dr. McKee said. Your doctor will check for risk of latent diseases like COPD or even anemia.

One cause of wheezing is asthma. In the US, about 10% of people over 65 are suffering from asthma. The disease can be activated from a number of other diseases such as chronic sinusitis.


It is an alarming sign, you need to see a doctor immediately. Dr. McKee stressed that coughing up blood (fresh or brown blood, mucus) is considered a sign of lung cancer, but this does not mean that you definitely have it.

According to the Mayo Clinic, there are many causes for you to cough up blood like bronchiectasis, chronic bronchitis or emphysema.

Breathing hard

Shortness of breath is a sign that the lungs are overloaded, air is trapped in the chest.

Distracted, confused

When the lungs do not provide enough oxygen to the body, and high CO2 levels make the patient sleepy, distracted thinking.

Weight loss

According to Dr. Goodman, lung disease can cause weight loss in muscle groups, making us not develop in the right order.

Swelling, pain on one leg

According to Dr. Andrea McKee, Chairman of the Department of Radiation Oncology at Lahey Hospital and Gordon Cancer Center of Sophia Medical Center in Burlington, Massachusetts (USA), at first glance, this symptom is not very relevant. lung disease.

However, swelling and pain on one leg may be a sign of deep vein thrombosis, also called a blood clot in the leg. The danger here is that blood clots can break and go into the lungs, causing pulmonary embolism.

A blood clot that travels to the lungs can prevent blood flow and cause serious damage. In addition, you may experience other symptoms such as difficulty breathing, shortness of breath and chest pain.

It is important that you receive treatment as soon as possible because about 30% of cases will die, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.

2. Ways to keep your lungs healthy

The lungs act as factories to help remove toxic gases from the body. And most importantly, you only get one lung, treat it well.

What you need to do to eliminate the causes of harmful lung disease, such as not smoking any medicine, regularly practicing and breathing fresh air. Adequate supplementation of good lung foods such as fish, carrots, green tea, garlic, .

Lung disease is gradually becoming more common in today's life, mild lung disease also significantly affects life, severe disease such as lung cancer can kill ⅓ million people worldwide each year.

So when there are any symptoms of lung disease, consult a specialist to get the most appropriate treatment.



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