Seeing these 4 abnormal signs right after getting up, careful liver cancer is coming very close

The urine is dark

Increasing bilirubin in the blood will make the color of urine change from dark yellow to brown. If you notice a change in urine color, see your doctor as soon as possible.

Pain in the upper right abdomen

Although the liver does not have a sensory nerve, it can cause pain, but if the liver is damaged, it will cause a right side pain. If in the morning, you feel pain in the upper right abdomen, be alert. If the pain lasts, you need to go to the hospital immediately.


Many people have bad breath problems after waking up in the morning, but there is no bad smell after brushing their teeth. The cause may be due to poor gastrointestinal or oral health. In fact, if abnormal liver function is also easy to cause bad breath.

This is due to impaired liver function, the body's toxins are not normally metabolized. At this time, the level of ammonia in the blood increases, causing you to have problems with bad breath.

Nausea and vomiting

If you have unexplained nausea and vomiting, check if you have any other symptoms of liver dysfunction. Vomiting and nausea are often considered early warning signs of liver cancer.

Other signs of "alarming" liver cancer

Lost weight

Liver is the main organ that helps our bodies metabolize. Decreased liver function will cause you to lose weight. Weight loss is considered one of the most important symptoms of the first stage of liver cancer.


Pruritus can be considered as a general symptom. But it is also one of the early signs of liver cancer. This occurs mainly because of the effect of an increase in bilirubin in the body. Decreased liver function leads to hyperbilirubinemia, which causes itching on the skin.


Jaundice is not a disease, it is a clinical manifestation of liver function impairment. Impaired liver function causes bilirubin accumulation in the body. Jaundice is one of the first signs of liver cancer.



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