Seeing these 4 points as black: Be wary of liver cancer is 'attacking' your body

Eye circles will have dark circles

The metabolic disorder of melanin caused by liver disease will easily lead to the formation of dark circles around the eyes. Not only that, but liver disease can also affect the normal functioning of the endocrine system, leading to skin problems like acne and melasma.

A dark line appears on the nail

The appearance of the nail sometimes represents the health of the liver. The healthier the liver, the more plump and smooth the nail will be. On the contrary, if the nail is suddenly bruised or has a black line for no apparent reason, it may be because the liver function is starting to decline.

The veins in the abdomen will become dark green, swollen

Under normal circumstances, the vein in the abdomen will not be noticeable outward, barely visible.

But when a liver disease arises, the vein in the abdomen can block blood flow, leading to the symptoms of varicose veins, and a dark green vein can be seen on the abdomen. Especially in patients with cirrhosis, ascites, this sign will be very clear.

Darkened skin in a short time

The color of the face easily shows the health of body organs. If you have some liver disease, it will easily lead to a decrease in estrogen inactivation, an abnormal pigment metabolism, and the skin will darken in a short time.

What to do to protect the liver?

What should we do to protect the liver?

- Don't stay up late, get enough sleep: The busy work keeps people up late, this is one of the causes of serious liver damage. Ideally, you should sleep before 11 o'clock every night and the daily sleep time should not be less than 7 hours.

- Do not abuse alcohol: when drinking alcohol, alcohol is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream through the stomach and intestinal mucosa. All blood in the digestive tract must pass through the liver before returning to the heart. Therefore, the liver is the highest concentration of alcohol. But the ability of the liver is limited, it can only handle a certain amount of alcohol per hour. If you drink in excess, the alcohol content will increase gradually in the blood, leading to fatty liver, hepatitis, cirrhosis.

- Routine checkups and vaccinations: Hepatitis viruses can be divided into several types, such as A, B, C and others. For prevention and treatment, the most effective method is to get vaccinated, and then it is recommended to monitor antibody levels periodically.

Also, pay attention to diet, eat less fat, avoid obesity and fatty liver; develop a healthy lifestyle to quit smoking and limit alcohol, restore liver health.



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