Simple ways to help you stay away from oral disease

1. Brush your teeth after eating

After eating the fruit, milk and acidic foods, tooth enamel surrounds each tooth to become "soft". If this condition occurs frequently and last longer, it will make the enamel gradually thinning, the long days will also be swelling, pain. So, brushing after eating is a simple way to prevent symptoms. However, you should not brush your teeth right after eating, wait at least 30 minutes then brushing.

2. Wet mouth

Dry mouth is the development environment of the dental disease benefit, so please keep the moisture for the mouth by drinking at least 8 cups of water each day.

Saliva is also a way of making wet mouth effect. Saliva is a weapon first and foremost against the disease. Rich antibacterial substances salivary histatin-as a kind of protein that can kill bacteria and heal injuries.

If you still feel dry mouth, chew sugar-free gum, it not only helps the saliva that also increase the pH in the mouth, reducing acids can cause tooth decay.

3. Rinse after every meal

After each main meal or snack, you should drink a SIP of water and rinse in water to push through the teeth, mouth and in the cheeks. Then you can spit or swallow.

Gargle with water daily will help remove the debris leftover food, which is where the bacteria that cause plaque (Tartar), caries, gingivitis, gum disease.

4. Use tea instead of water mouthwash

Many studies have shown that using tea instead of water mouthwash gets better. By tea catechin containing in-a substance that can prevent cavities, as well as fluoride ions hydroxyapatie and fluarapatie help improve enamel enamel, acid strength increases of tannic acid, in addition, teeth in tea is also an active ingredient can good oral environment. 

5. food supplements help blank health teeth

Daily diet you also affected pretty much to the white light, strong of the teeth. Please add more types of bread, milk, meat, vegetables and fruit into your daily menu to clean the teeth and enhances the health benefits.

Yogurt, sugar cane, apples, strawberries, is also a rich source of calcium to help clean teeth, maintain bones and teeth.

In addition, the easiest way to protect our teeth is drinking a lot of water

6. Relax

Many studies show, most oral diseases are related to a significant factor is stress. Prolonged stress weakens the immune system, causing the body to lose the ability to fight diseases including infections in the mouth.

So, one of the important things you need to do to prevent dental disease is to reduce the risk of stress relaxing thoroughly.=



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