Sleeping like this brings a lot of diseases to the body, many Vietnamese suffer, especially the No. 3

1. Listen to music while sleeping

Many people think that listening to music will make themselves sleep better. However, the truth is not so. Listening to music while sleeping is an unscientific job. This habit inadvertently makes your sleep less deep, causing drowsiness, confusion and can cause nightmares. You will often feel a headache after waking up.

2. Turn on the TV when sleeping

Researchers say melatonine is secreted by the pineal gland near the eyes. When the eye senses darkness, the pineal gland will default to night, and start secreting the hormone melatonine, the highest secretion at the time before bed.

However, in addition to supporting sleep, melatonine also has the effect of regulating estrogen and receptor progesterone, both hormones that affect fertility. If the night is exposed too much to the light of the TV, night light, the amount of melatonine secretion will drop sharply, thereby affecting the ability of women to give birth.

The same thing happens if you sleep and turn on the light. In addition, sleeping under bright lights also causes the hormone cortisol to be produced more, making you always in a state of stress, fatigue and unintentionally causing weight gain out of control.

3. Bunch blanket covers your head when sleeping

The habit of sleeping in a head-tight cluster will limit the air circulation in the blanket, the oxygen concentration in the blanket will decrease. It can cause dizziness and affect your brain's memory function.

4. Leave your hair wet during sleep

After shampooing, if you don't dry your hair, a large amount of water is deposited on the scalp surface, especially in the winter when the temperature is low, letting your wet hair to sleep will make the body more susceptible to infection. In the worst case, you will feel numbness in the scalp, accompanied by dull pain. The next morning, headaches or dizziness will appear.

5. Tie hair tightly

Some people often have a habit of tying their hair out before going to bed to avoid having their hair pulled back in front of them. If you tie your hair too tight on the top of the head, the scalp will be stretched, causing pain if held for an entire night. If you have low chignon will affect the neck vertebrae and make you feel neck pain the next morning.

Therefore, relax your hair when sleeping or braided your hair to one side, but care should be taken to loosen hands to limit headaches after waking up.

6. After drinking, go to bed immediately

An expert from Germany who observed the dangers of drinking alcohol before going to bed for 15 years found that drinking alcohol immediately after going to bed can appear to stop breathing 2 times, about 10 seconds each time. These 10 seconds can cause major damage to the body: most noticeable is vascular damage, causing hypertension, high blood pressure that will involve the heart, leading to an increase in heart rate, arrhythmia and eventually is heart disease.

7. Wear a bra to sleep on

A US hospital surveyed 5,000 women and found that women who wore a bra during sleep were 2.1 times more likely to develop breast cancer than those who did not wear a bra. This may be the result of prolonged chest compression, blockage of lymph drainage, and retention of harmful substances in the chest area.

8. Put pillows high while sleeping

If you feel neck pain after waking up, it may be because the night before you put your knees too high while you sleep. When sleeping in this position, blood circulation will be affected, thereby reducing the quality of sleep and making you sleep less deeply. So when sleeping, you should fit pillows fit your head, avoid too high millet will affect the neck and back vertebra.

9. Lie on your face against the pillow while sleeping

Sleeping position can also have a partial impact on your body and sleep quality. Especially, if you lie on the pillow while sleeping all night, it will affect the elasticity of the cheeks and cause ugly wrinkles.

Besides, when you put your face on the pillow, it also gives the opportunity for bacteria from the pillow to penetrate the skin so acne appears.



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