Smart gene detection

Previous studies showed that the cortex plays a key role in mind, attention, feeling, thought, language, and consciousness. However, the latest research by experts in the Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London (uk) first got recognized a link between genetic intelligence and grey.

According to the journal Molecular Psychiatry, British scientists have conducted research on the object-1583 14 years, with the tests on the location, analysis of DNA samples and brain MRI scans. Analysis of genetic variation case 54000 is likely related to the development of the brain.

The results of discovery, the objects carry a certain gene variation, leading to the left brain hemisphere rather thin crust, will render their intelligence is relatively low. The variations are determined is by gene NPTN. NPTN gene affecting link of brain cells and the formation of cortex-outer layer of the brain known as the "grey matter".

The results revealed, the teenager brought a certain Gene Variant had a thinner cortex in the left brain hemisphere, particularly in the frontal lobe and temporal. The subjects tend to achieve less than the results of the tests.

The GMO is defined affects the expression of genes NPTN, which has the role of encoding a protein that impact how to communicate information of brain cells.

The research group is also considering NPTN gene in brain cells of rats and people. They discover that genes are distinct activities in the NPTN the left and right cerebral hemispheres. This can cause the left brain hemisphere more sensitive before the effects of mutations NPTN.

Spotted on the implied, some differences in intellectual ability can be derived from the reduced function of the gene in the NPTN in left brain hemisphere. Gene variations identified in research on estimate of just 0.5% of the total number of decisions about the differences in human intelligence.

The team hope their work, could help experts understand some biological mechanism behind these mental disorders. They also desired, these findings will help people diagnose and treat mental disorders such as Autism or schizophrenia more effectively in the future.=



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