The dish causes cirrhosis, stomach bleeding that millions of Vietnamese people still ADDICTIVE and signs of liver cancer

Fresh bamboo shoots: bamboo shoots are widely used food. However, some bamboo shoots, especially fresh bamboo shoots, can cause poisoning or even death. In fresh bamboo shoot, very high cyanide content, about 230mg in 1kg of bamboo shoots.

When ingested bamboo shoots contain a lot of cyanide, under the action of digestive enzymes, cyanide is turned into cyanhydric acid (HCN), an extremely toxic substance to the body, harmful to the liver.

Goat meat, food should be avoided for people with liver disease: Goat meat is a hot, sweet food with high protein and lipid content. Therefore, if a person with liver disease overeates this food, the liver will become active and create additional burden on the liver. Making the liver unable to complete the metabolic task and eliminating toxins from the body.

Therefore, people with liver disease absolutely should not eat goat meat to ensure liver best

Ginger is not good for people with liver disease: ginger is a very good food for everyone, but ginger is volatile when the metabolite produces safrole that causes bad denaturation, not good for people with liver and solid diseases. especially hepatitis.

It causes necrosis of liver cells and affects the liver leading to severe liver abnormalities, making hepatitis worse and worse.

Garlic with people with liver disease is not good food: for them, because the volatile substance in garlic affects the number of red blood cells and blood pigment in the blood. This could lead to anemia and disadvantage for people with hepatitis.

Signs of "alerting" liver cancer:


Jaundice is not a disease, it is a clinical manifestation of liver function impairment. Impaired liver function causes bilirubin accumulation in the body. Jaundice is one of the first signs of liver cancer.

Liver enlarged

The liver is located on the right side of the upper abdomen, extending to the middle. The liver enlarges so you can feel it in this position. You should follow up to get advice from your doctor because these are important signs of liver cancer.

The urine is dark

Increasing bilirubin in the blood will make the color of urine change from dark yellow to brown. If you notice a change in urine color, see your doctor as soon as possible.

Fluid in the abdomen

Intraperitoneal fluid is one of the early symptoms of liver cancer. Abdominal distension with palpable liver is an early sign of liver cancer.

Nausea and vomiting

If you have unexplained nausea and vomiting, check if you have any other symptoms of liver dysfunction. Vomiting and nausea are often considered early warning signs of liver cancer.

Lost weight

Liver is the main organ that helps our bodies metabolize. Decreased liver function will cause you to lose weight. Weight loss is considered one of the most important symptoms of the first stage of liver cancer.



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