The sperm and the exciting secrets

1. The size of the sperm

The size of the sperm cells about 50 µm (0, 05 mm.). The smallest cells that you can see with the naked eye only about 0, 1 mm. So to see the sperm need a microscope.

2. The texture of sperm

The sperm is made by the State to small cells called homunculi or animalcules. Each sperm cells consists of three basic parts: the first part (which contains hereditary DNA), the middle part (the power supply for the tail) and the tail itself (also known as roi).

3. Not all sperm born are alike

Men always want to own millions of "warrior" perfect, the fact there are many deformed sperm. Observation through the microscope exposes the sperm has two heads, two tails, tail first, squiggly is too large or too small.

4. how fast swimming sperm?

The sperm cells swim about 5 mm per second, or about 0.2 inches. You should look at this speed with that perspective: the sperm only 55 micro meters long (55 million meters), so the distance 1 millimeter is a pretty big distance. To get to the egg, the long-distance athletes to undergo long way 175mm, in theory it takes about 45 minutes. In fact, due to many different reasons, this time quite a large range, can be up to 3 days.

5. The sperm also brought gender

Sperm also have male and female varieties. Males tend to be faster but stronger offspring, therefore, the fight between the other sperm about very violently.

6. How the sperm to know the way?

Scientists believe that the sperm cells to the egg in two complex mechanisms, including the ability to swim toward a higher concentration of the molecules are created by the egg (also known as chemotaxis mechanism) and the ability to navigate to areas of high temperature during a woman's reproductive glands to look to the uterus (also known as the mechanism of thermotaxis).

7. The sperm cells can survive for how long?

That depends on the environment they exist in. If the inside parts of the woman, the sperm can survive for up to five days. If in addition to the environment, the sperm can only live at most a few hours.

8. Only 25% of the sperm has the ability to make great career

With a pair of no matter what about sex and unsafe sex, with the females in the ejaculation ability to conceive only about 1/4. If you wear tight tights, in a long time, then this possibility still low more.

9. How much sperm in each ejaculation?

How many sperm cells are released when a man ejaculates? The number of different sperm from about 20 million to 100 million sperm per ml when ejaculation. Healthy man will manufacture from 1, 5 ml to 5 ml of semen per ejaculation.

10. When was not exported, the sperm go where?

With no sperm cells are ejaculated, they will be returned to the man's body.

11. Sperm count has decreased gradually over time?

It is difficult to determine. Previously, a report has studied the amount of increase/decrease of the sperm lasted from 1938 to 1990 shows results the sperm rising from starting from 113 million/ml figure down to 66 million/ml. But recent researchers that sperm count stable nature.

12. Sperm is the hard worker

They swim not tired, though not all sperms are hard. The path to the remote, so pretty eggs the sperm can swim one circuit to reach the egg. The result is that there will be one or two lucky Warrior enters the egg and fertilization process started.

13. The childhood of sperm

The body of a man from the beginning then the ejaculation will produce his cavalry, and throughout his life. Each sperm takes about 2.5 months to grow to maturity in the testicles. So, the question is what this Cavalry after birth will be "training" where in time before the battle?  The place is considered to be a nursery, as well as the warehouse stored sperm is essential, you can section crested palpable in the extreme top of the testicles. Here, the sperm will be nurtured and mature in the epididymis tubes.=



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