The truth behind the sweet hot pot everyone loves and warnings to see this point do not be foolish to eat

Eat noodles cooked in hot pot

Before the end of the meal, a lot of people choose a bowl of noodles dipped in a hotpot soup. However, this dish is not really recommended. Apart from the oil and fat issue, there are many amino acids in the broth of different meats. The broth is heated continuously for 1-2 hours, these amino acids can easily combine with the nitrite in cooked vegetables to form carcinogenic nitrosamines.

Embedded order of the dishes

Most people often love meat and dip it right into the hot pot at the beginning of the meal. Meat will then release a thick layer of oil that floats to the bottom of the pot before we start dipping vegetables and other main foods, nutrients will convert into a large amount of unhealthy saturated fatty acids. be.

Therefore, when eating hot pot, you should first choose some potatoes or other vegetables, especially when you eat spicy hot pot, or when you want to drink beer, vegetables and starchy foods can protect stomach.

Foods incompatible with vegetables when eating hot pot

- Eating hotpot with shellfish such as shrimp, clams, snails . should not be eaten with foods containing vitamin C such as chili, bitter melon, tomatoes . can cause fatal poisoning.

- Tomatoes and sweet potatoes, potatoes are very hydrophobic, avoid sharing. Because when combined these foods together will lead to indigestion, abdominal pain, digestive disorders.

- Spinach when combined with beef will lose laxative, less digestible. People with constipation if combining these two foods together will make the disease worse.

To avoid being poisoned when eating hot pot, you need to wash vegetables thoroughly, soak them in salt water or in safe vegetable washing solution to remove chemicals, toxic substances. Because when eating hot pot often use raw, pale. If dipped too thoroughly will lose the fresh taste, but re-dipping will affect health because harmful microorganisms still exist. So the dip of meat is about 10 minutes. Seafood dip 15 minutes. Organs 5 minutes. Vegetables 1-2 minutes (depending on type).



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