Under 30 years old can also have a heart attack, need to recognize early to pass death

Heart attack is a common cardiovascular disease both in developed and developing countries like in Vietnam.

Myocardial infarction is a sudden thrombus blockage of a coronary artery (blood vessel feeding around the heart). This causes the blood to stop flowing to feed the heart muscle and causes part of the heart muscle to die. Blocking large blood vessels can cause your heart to stop beating or it can cause a deadly arrhythmia.

Although the death rate from myocardial infarction has decreased compared to the past due to medical advances, the consequences and complications after myocardial infarction are still a cause for concern.

According to recent observations, the average age of myocardial infarction patients is gradually rejuvenating. There have been many cases of illness before the age of 30.

Signs of myocardial infarction

Before a heart attack, the person usually has symptoms such as palpitations, palpitations, and angina, the level can range from a little like a heavy type, a burning sensation in the left chest to many. like a stabbing pain like a stabbing, clenching. The chest pain is usually in the middle of the breastbone and lasts for a few minutes. The pain may come and go again and again.

Pain can spread to the neck, lower jaw, left shoulder, back, abdomen or left arm. Duration of pain lasts more than 20 minutes.

In addition to the above, a person who has a heart attack may be accompanied by a feeling of difficulty breathing, sweating, dizziness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, low / high blood pressure, cold hands and feet, dampness, irritation, anxiety, panic, fainting, sudden death .

Subjects are prone to myocardial infarction

The group most likely to have a heart attack is a man over the age of 40 (middle-aged and elderly). The percentage of women by age is lower than that of men, but it also increases to nearly equal to the age of 5 to 10 years after menopause.

People with a family history of early myocardial infarction, such as a father or brother with myocardial infarction under 55 years and a mother or sister with myocardial infarction below 65 years.

People with high risk factors such as patients with dyslipidemia, high blood pressure, smoking, obesity, physical inactivity are the people most susceptible to heart attack.

People who have previously had a heart attack are more likely to have another heart attack.

Many cases of myocardial infarction occur even in young people or people without any risk factors at all. Myocardial infarction occurs at the age of 45 years and has been assessed as a young child, but if the age of 35 is infected it is very young.



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