Vietnamese people used to cook this way without knowing that they were opening the door to invite themselves to cancer

Allow oil to cook on an old hot pan, smoke

Many housewives have a habit of feeding strawberries on old hot pans, even starting to smoke for frying or stir-frying. However, this is a wrong way of processing because when cooking oil is smoked, it is when the ingredients are changed, if the cooking continues to produce carcinogens, harmful to the body.

Cover when cooking stir fry

Let the food cook faster and softer than the housewives who often cover the pot when cooking stir-fries. But this is a habit that needs to be taken off because it not only causes food to lose nutrients but also harms the whole family's health.

When cooking, though you are careful, you cannot avoid producing large amounts of smoke - the process of cooking oil and food at high temperatures.

Many studies have demonstrated that oil smoke is harmful to health like smoke, if inhaled, it causes symptoms such as nausea, chest pain, and headache. In the long term there is a high risk of lung cancer.

To prevent this, practice the habit of opening the lid on the pot when cooking, the kitchen also needs to be ventilated by opening a window or installing a hood exhaust system.

Use fried oil to fry many times

To save money, many people often use cooking oil to fry many times. This is a very harmful mistake to health, the risk of cancer is very high. When cooking oil is heated many times, the chemical composition of the oil will be changed: Vitamin A, E and some of the nutrients in the oil are destroyed and some toxins such as aldehyde and fatty acid oxide appear. . These substances, when entering the body, will destroy digestive enzymes that cause indigestion, causing headaches, dizziness, abdominal pain, diarrhea, high blood pressure.

Abuse of grilled dishes

In baked goods containing HCAs, also known as heterocyclic amines, is a toxic chemical causing cancer. Especially when grilling meat, the fat in the meat melts down to the coal, causing toxic smoke into the piece of meat will easily create carcinogens and respiratory diseases. Black burnt parts contain the most carcinogenic chemicals, so remove them before eating.

Finished a dish, do not wash the pot but continue to cook another dish

Many people save time or see the pot is still clean after cooking the dish first, do not clean the pot but continue to cook another dish. Looking at the senses, the pot seems clean, but in fact, the surface is clinging to fat and food. This fat and leftover food, once processed at high temperatures, can again produce benzopyrene, which causes cancer. Experts recommend taking a little time to clean the pot before preparing other dishes to ensure your health and safety for you and your family.

Using non-stick pots and pans at high temperatures

Pots and pans with non-stick substances are very useful when cooking. At normal temperatures these non-sticking agents are not harmful to health, but when heated from 300 degrees C - 500 degrees C, this non-stick compound will create a layer of smoke containing Perfluoisobutylene complexes, Perfluorooctanoic Acid PFOA and Carbonylcloride causes cancer.

When using non-stick pots and pans, metal tools should not be used for stirring, stirring or scrubbing because it will accidentally scratch the non-stick surface, making the anti-sticking substance mix into food that is harmful to the health. strong.



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