5 manifests HAZARD AND BLACK shows that your stomach is in danger

1. Black lips

The dark lips are a typical sign of anemia, and it is also a symptom of stomach diseases. When the digestive organ is weak, the blood supply system is also impaired, leading to less rosy, dry and dark lips.

Once the stomach has a problem, it will adversely affect the whole body. So we have to prevent this disease from happening by minimizing staying up late, smoking cigarettes, eating too much spicy stuff. Regularly eat porridge with nutritious stomach foods like radish soup, millet porridge, pumpkin porridge .

2. The stool is heavier than usual

If you find that your stool is suddenly longer and smelly than usual, be careful because this may be a sign of intestinal and gastrointestinal problems and problems. Stool stored in the abdomen for a long time will have a heavier odor, if not discharged in time, they become an ideal environment for the development of many different types of health-damaging bacteria.

3. Bad breath

The mouth is often closely related to the parts of the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract. According to a study in Microbiology Medicine, H. pylori (Helicobacter Pylori) causes bad stomach ulcers, and it is also one of the leading causes of disease. stomach cancer.

If you experience persistent bad breath that is not caused by poor oral hygiene, it is most likely a sign of help from the stomach.

4. A lot of deflection

A lot of deflated (more than 30 times / day) and continuous, you may have gastrointestinal problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, enteritis, intestinal peristalsis, stomach pain, gastritis .

5. The face is emaciated and pale

When the stomach is weak, all other body activities are also affected, most clearly expressed in the face. The face will then become emaciated, pale because of poor digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Good habits for stomach aches


Before meals, empty stomachs, exercise will help convert fat into heat, which will be much more effective than exercise after a meal.

Experts still recommend that we mobilize in the evening, so it's best to move at 5-6 pm, walk fast or run slowly for 30-45 minutes, then about 1 hour after dinner .

Eat fruits

Transferring the time to eat fruit before meals will increase the body's resistance and lose weight. Eating fruits after a meal has absolutely no similar effect because the stomach now has to digest many other food, so it must give way so that the fruits in the abdomen are fermented, making you full of bloating, constipation . not beneficial for digestion.


After eating, blood will concentrate in the digestive system, causing blood flow to the brain and limbs to be reduced. If you eat a little fruit or drink a glass of milk and take a nap for about 30 minutes to 1 hour, then eating lunch will reduce fatigue, very drowsy.

Eat soup

Many people have a habit of eating soup after a meal, but eating soup before meals can help 'clean' the oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, intestines . help food can conveniently go into the stomach and reduce Stimulation level of hard foods for stomach lining.

Massage before going to bed

After dinner, before going to bed you can rub your hands around the navel 64 clockwise. Finish your hand rub in the lower abdomen. This simple operation not only helps maintain a stable state for the stomach but also stimulates the stomach to work better. You need to avoid anxiety, anger and other negative emotional stimuli.



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