WARNING: If you have this habit, beware of HAIR EXTREMELY EYES, PEOPLE DISEASE

If you think that letting your hair go to sleep will not bring any harm then you are thinking completely wrong. Because this habit can cause a lot of health problems that you cannot anticipate. This is the habit of not only accidentally making your health worse, but even having many dangerous diseases.

Headache pain

Leaving wet hair at bedtime can cause headaches that seriously affect your brain. On the other hand, it also makes you feel tired, heavy when you wake up the next morning. The reason is that water will settle on hair and scalp, thereby causing blood vessels to slow down. Besides, it also affects the blood circulation and leads to headaches, which gradually become chronic headache symptoms.


This paralysis comes from a change in body temperature when the hair is still wet, causing the facial muscles to contract, especially when the body is in a sleep state.

Weakness of the immune system

Going to bed with wet hair can weaken the immune system so the body's self-defense mechanism is weakened. Since then, viruses and bacteria are easy to attack and cause many unexpected diseases.

In particular, colds are diseases you will face first. Colds are not too dangerous but will make you tired all week, just spend money to buy medicine but also work inefficiently.

Varicose veins of the scalp

Not only does it cause common headaches, but this bad habit also causes chronic headaches, leading to chronic scalp inflammation. In the first stage, the disease can cause itching, numbness in the scalp, feeling heavy head. In the long run, the scalp will be thicker and coarser than usual, even with swollen bumps. If not timely examination and treatment, it will cause very serious health consequences that you do not anticipate.

Muscle pain

Although muscle pain has many causes, but going to sleep while hair is still wet can be considered a cause not to be missed. Wet hair changes the temperature of the scalp and the body has to cool it all night so it increases the ability to strain muscles and cause contractions. And the obvious result is that after waking up you will find the person extremely indifferent. Therefore, do not make new days more tired just because of the habit of shampooing late at night and going to bed when your hair is wet!

Hair loss, itchy scalp

In general, letting your hair go to bed is considered bad for your hair. Over time, from a few days to several weeks or months, water can weaken the hair follicle's protective shell, called the epidermis. When the cuticle is broken, water can penetrate it and break the inner capsule. As a result, damage can lead to hair loss, as well as loss of shine and elasticity.

More dandruff appears

Wet scalp is the ideal environment for fungi, harmful bacteria, thereby causing dandruff and causing scalp itching. You even have some other scalp-related diseases if you let this condition continue.

Sticky hair

Sleeping in a state of wet hair will cause the scalp to lose its pH balance and increase sebaceous glands. As a result, you will wake up with sticky hair and scalp, especially very dirty with an unpleasant smell. Therefore, washing your hair during the day or drying your hair very dry before going to bed will help hair clean and limit oil effectively.



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