WARNING signs you need to STOP THE BODY immediately and regret not being in time

Internal toxin accumulates free radicals, cholesterol, excretion, fat, uric acid, acid lactate for a long time. External toxins caused by air pollution, dust, exhaust gases, food preservatives, residual pesticide residues in vegetables and fruits, heavy metal content exceeds permitted standards in cosmetic, dirty food .

If these toxins are not excreted properly, day after day will accumulate, causing a variety of dangerous diseases, reducing the quality of health and life.

When you find that you have the following signals, be aware of your body's toxic effects immediately and go for a health check:

Continuous fatigue

When the organs in the body are overworked, the goal of eliminating toxins and common signs is fatigue, even if you still sleep well. Fatigue, lack of concentration and the desire to sleep at non-normal hours are signs that the body needs "help" to deal with the overcrowding of toxins.

Weight gain

Although there are constant efforts on diet and exercise to lose weight, sometimes it is difficult to achieve, possibly due to toxins in the body causing hormonal imbalance. In this case, rest is needed. Properly balanced diet as well as appropriate exercise regimen.


Toxins that accumulate for a long time will cause functional impairment of the five organs. From a oriental perspective, this is the cause of the development of tumors, and diseases such as fatty liver, arteriosclerosis, blood fat, cirrhosis, hypertension, stroke, hemiplegia, hyperplasia breast, uterine fibroids, chest pain, dyspnea, bronchitis .

A body that wants to be healthy and sick by maintaining a diet, moderately active, it is essential to have proper scientific detox to push toxins out of the body promptly and safely and science.


The intestine plays an important role in eliminating toxins. Constipation is a warning sign that your body has problems. Constipation not only makes toxins difficult to eliminate but also affects the stomach, inflammation and absorption of nutrients.

Skin diseases

Skin is one of the organs that reflects the overload of toxins in the blood and tissue organization. Occurrence of acne, rash, allergic manifestations . are signs that the body has overloaded toxins that need to be purified. There are also eye dark circles, eczema and psoriasis .

Constant headache

The toxins accumulated in the blood, affect the nervous system and cause symptoms of constant headaches because nerve cells are very sensitive to the toxins in the body.

breath is smelly

Bad breath can be caused by digestive problems or by accumulation of toxins in the liver, facilitating bacteria to grow in the mouth, teeth and gums. Also when tired, the tongue is covered with a yellow layer and this causes the breath to smell.


If you often suffer from insomnia and often wake up at night, this can be a sign that your body needs to be discharged. It is caused by the amount of toxins in your body that affect the circulatory system, leading to insomnia and difficulty breathing.

Muscular aches and pains

Excess toxins in the body can also affect joints and muscles, leading to osteoarthritis aches and pains, you need to excrete the body.

Sweating a lot

When the liver does not work well, the toxin builds up in the body, the body temperature rises, causing phenomena such as dry, cracked lips, mouth ulcers, pimples, sweating a lot . Now, you It is necessary to remove toxins early in the body so as not to cause other diseases, especially liver diseases.


The body loads energy daily through the diet, and also works effectively to receive nutrition and eliminate waste. Constipation is the first sign that your body needs to be released immediately.

Feel hot inside body

If you often experience a burning sensation, sweating, your body may be overloaded with toxins. The overloaded body causes the heart to work harder, leading to the body producing heat, releasing toxins by sweating.



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