Young girl died after a few days of discovering lung cancer: Warning 8 signs many people overlooked

Previously, Xiao Mo had symptoms such as fever, shortness of breath and cough that lasted for a while. But due to busy family work and study, the subjective did not go to the examination, until recently she came to the local hospital to examine and be diagnosed with pneumonia. After nearly two weeks of treatment, her condition was not relieved.

Later, she was sent to the Respiratory Department of a large hospital. After seeing the test results, the doctor said she had adenocarcinoma lung cancer, and the disease was progressing at the end, unable to intervene surgery and chemotherapy anymore. And only 5 days after Tieu Mo died of this disease.

Lung cancer is a disease that many people suffer from and a high mortality rate. The disease usually occurs in older people, but at any age is at risk.

When you discover 8 signs below go to the nearest medical facility to check and diagnose the disease promptly.

Difficult, heavy breathing: Because this is not a serious symptom, so many people are subjective. This condition occurs due to lung tumors causing obstruction to your breathing process.

A lot of cough: This sign is similar to the common colds so many patients don't go to check. In fact, persistent cough leads to hoarseness, loss of voice can be caused by the lungs caused by pneumonia or lung infection.

Chest pain: This is the most typical sign of lung cancer. The pain usually occurs when the person is active, coughing or laughing.

Unusual weight loss, unexplained: Weight loss is not caused by diet, exercise, can be a sign of a certain disease, including lung cancer. The cause may be due to the appearance of tumors in the lungs, which causes a sudden increase in metabolism causing this condition.

Sputum with blood: Even if the amount of blood mixed in the sputum is small, you should go to the hospital to check your health.

Frequent respiratory infections: Lung cancer greatly affects the respiratory tract leading to diseases such as bronchitis and other infections.

Unusual signs in breast tissue: This is a common sign in men when the chest area is abnormally enlarged because cancer cells stimulate hormonal effects.

Shoulder pain: This phenomenon occurs when a tumor develops and inserts on the upper part of the lungs, causing pressure leading to pain in the shoulders, arms, and hands.



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