10 effective medicinal herbs for sore throat are right in the garden, using a few times to avoid immediately needing to see a doctor

The throat is the gateway for air, food and water to enter the body. Because the throat is the first place exposed to environmental factors such as air, dust, foods, genetic factors . it is very vulnerable. It is a favorable condition for bacteria and viruses to enter the body.

It has been observed that most patients with recurrent pharyngitis often come with some favorable factors such as climate change, people exposed to toxic physical and chemical factors, working in dusty environment . In addition, factors such as weather changes, cold, humidity, dust, smoke, alcohol, chemical emissions also cause sore throat.

Signs to recognize sore throat

Sore throat is a very common disease of the oral route, especially when the weather changes. Diseases make people extremely uncomfortable. Sore throats often show signs like:

- Headache, high fever

- A sore throat, a dry cough

- A painful swelling of the neck appears

In addition, patients may also experience symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, swollen tonsils, fatigue and anorexia, .

Here are some ways to treat sore throats without medication you can refer to:

Radish juice

Use fresh radish, rinse, squeeze water, dilute radish juice with water at a ratio of 1: 1 to make daily mouthwash effective for pain relief, hoarse due to very good sore throat.


Garlic contains allicin that helps kill viruses and bacteria. You can suck on a clove of raw garlic for about 5-10 minutes to avoid infection.

Ground sour me leaves

Ground sour me leaves 50g, 2g salt. Rinse leaves, chew with salt, suck and swallow slowly. 3-4 working days.

Mint leaf

Mint leaves 2-3 leaves, washed and chewed, swallowed slowly several times a day.

Lemon basil leaves

30g lemon basil leaves, washed with cool boiled water, add a few salt particles, chew and swallow water gradually. Or: 3-leaf lemon basil leaves, paint beans 3 pieces, chew water to remove residue, 5-6 times.

Chamomile chamomile tea

Chamomile chrysanthemum (Roman Chamomile) has long been known for its health benefits. This flower has a pleasant aroma, it helps to relax, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, heal wounds, help sleep well, . and relieve throat pain.


Turmeric is also used to treat coughs. Recipe: take half a cup of hot water, add salt, then add half a teaspoon of turmeric powder and stir well and drink once a day. Drink continuously for 3 days.

Papaya flowers male

Male 15g papaya flowers, vascular root, canister, lemon basil, 10g each. All put in a small bowl, add some salt, steam rice and crush it. Days of sucking 2 - 3 times, swallowing water gradually.


Squeeze a lemon in a glass of water about 300ml then bring it to hot water or you can use hot water to mix with lemon and sip one sip.

Every 30 minutes, gargle once. This only takes a few days to show that the sore throat will disappear.


Using fresh carrots, squeeze 1 cup of water and add about 2 tablespoons of honey to stir and mix 1: 1 ratio and cool boiled water.

Use this mixture to rinse your throat during the day. Every day, about 3-5 times, 5 - 7 minutes each time.



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