12 habit of accidentally depress the brain

1. Lazy brainstorming

Is there a rule is "the more brain used as flair". Use the brain a scientific way, the storage can extend out the aging nervous system, and through the nervous system can be born out of the effect of manipulated and mediated with the function body, from which achieve the aim to have a healthy brain and increase longevity. If you're lazy don't want to brainstorm frequently, then not only the brain, but for the health of your body causing adverse effects.

2. Drink less water

Brain cells like the other cells in the body is very much dependent on the country. If there is no water, the brain cells will shrink makes it difficult for the brain in the performance of his functions. A study found that 85% of the brain is water, if the water shortage, the human brain is very easy. Moreover, when feeling lack of water, the brain is usually "draw" water from other parts of the body about the brain to feed it and it makes the other problem parts.

3. "Used" the brain but to think lung tung

The sentence "the brain as used as flair" is built on the basis of scientific brainstorm, what if "use the brain" for the stress, anxiety, or have negative thoughts will lead to the complete opposite effect.

4. getting the brain to "work" at disease

When the body has a disease or condition is not good, then the attempt to maintain the study or work not the reduced efficiency but also easy to cause injury to the brain and detrimental to the ability to recover health.

5. Brainstorm when hungry

There are people who wake up late not up breakfast, even has a habit of not eating breakfast, this means they will have both a morning in an empty stomach, low blood sugar than normal levels, as that will lead to the supply of nutrients to the brain is not enough. If as often as so will surely harm the healthy brain and thinking capacity.

The American scholar has ever done an experiment to prove, academic achievements of the children have breakfast more clearly better at them protein breakfast with the food vegetarian form; also children who don't eat breakfast, the academic achievements of them are very poor.

6. poor sleep quality

Adults normally have to sleep from 7 hours or more and must ensure good sleep quality. If the time is not enough sleep or not sleep higher quality then that would be a stimulus is not good for the brain because the brain does not rest properly. This situation will increase the fatigue of the brain, causing the lesions in the brain that's hard to recover, easily lead to premature aging.

7. secret Bosses head when sleeping

There are people who sleep familiar blanket sealed top bosses, to sleep like that will cause the concentration of carbonic rising and oxygen concentrations continuously decreased, causing the amount of oxygen provided to the body are missing. If hooded top-sealed when sleeping in the long run there will be harm to brain health.

8. Eating too much

Thinking when the stomach too no will also affect the brain. Brain active when no not only makes the stomach pain that also cause the nerves in the brain is affected.

9. Eat high Glycemic Foods

Eat processed food or eating the glycemic index (glycemic index) is high blood sugar will increase rapidly and ruin the memory as well as the ability to assimilate. In addition to the harm caused to the brain, many studies also said eating high glycemic index foods after a long period of time, can cause insulin resistance in the body, leading to type 2 diabetes and obesity.

10. Drink alcohol

Brain cells shrink when exposed to alcohol. This discovery was raised after scientists conducted measuring the elasticity of the brain under the effects of alcohol. Alcohol-induced thiamine deficiency (also known as vitamin B1, a nutrition component of all tissues, including the brain) can lead to a serious brain disorder known as brain illness Wernicke.

The symptoms of this disease include: confusion, paralyze the nerves maximum label and difficulty in coordinating muscle. About 80-90% of the alcoholic brain disease Wernicke with memory disorders. Scientists estimate about 100,000 brain cells being killed when drinking a glass of wine. In a violent drunk brain cell death figures could go up to 10 million.

11. Eat lots of sweets

The development of the human brain in need of full support of protein and vitamins. If we eat sweet foods, your appetite may be influenced to reduce the absorption of protein and vitamins. As such, can cause malnutrition and the development of the brain can be affected.

12. Silent

The language is governed by a certain part of the brain. So, talk can accelerate the development of the brain and strengthen the function of the brain. If people always keep silent, the brain cannot be stimulated.=



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