13 uses of honey can you don't know

1. Energy supply

Honey has the ability to increase energy immediately due to the natural sugar in there, it provided a source of healthy calories to the body whenever your body needs them most.

It's easy to help fight fatigue and solve the problems caused by energy shortages. At the same time, the honey can satisfy the desire of the body's innate sweets. This means you can eat honey but no worries I will up the weight. After this, every time like to eat sweets, then you only need to use 1 tbsp honey, organic honey types.

2. Reduces muscle fatigue

The athletes are often vulnerable to fatigue the audience about the part played by the muscles, exercise, and this can affect their achievement. But this problem can easily be solved by honey.

Honey can boost performance and stamina of the manifest form, as well as reduce muscle fatigue. The Department is due to the perfect combination of glucose and fructose in honey. Glucose is absorbed immediately and quickly provide energy for, meanwhile, fructose is absorbed more slowly, so it helps maintain energy for the body.

3. treat insomnia

Many people have sleep no good. Honey is a simple solution to this problem. Honey is a type of fatty cacbohydrate control the release of insulin and allows for tryptophan to enter the brain easily.

Tryptophan is a compound that can make us sleepy. Just drink a glass of warm milk with honey before going to bed. Both honey and milk are all foods that contain tryptophan.

4. Stable blood glucose

Honey tastes sweet, but people with diabetes can also enjoy it without problem. Honey can regulate blood sugar due to the combination of glucose and fructose. Some sugars are hypoglycemic low concentrations. This means that when honey is consumed, it will not do to increased blood sugar dramatically.

Those who suffer from diabetes type 1 should eat 1 tablespoon of honey every day. In addition, because honey sweet than sugar so you will only need to consume a small amount is sufficient.

5. Cure stomach pain

Honey mixed with black powder (South Korea), gold (heat) can cure stomach ulcers. Noodle in 1-2 months for good results. Or alternatively: 1 spoons honey + lemon juice Extractor + warm water, drink it before eating to cure stomach pain.

6. Cure cough

Honey has antibacterial properties, soothes the throat and kill the bacteria causing the infection.

To quickly get rid of spasm, let's mix 1 tablespoon honey with a little fresh lemon juice and drink this solution regularly. You can also mix the honey, lemon juice and a pinch of salt in a glass of warm water and used as a mouthwash. To treat cough, you should use the buckwheat honey because it can effectively treat cough honey types higher than the other.

7. Wound healing

Honey is an antiseptic, antibacterial and resistant germs naturally. These attributes can help in wound sanitation. So honey can help disinfect the wounds, relieve pain, pus and trace and expedite the time to heal.

After the wash the wound with warm water and mild soap, DAB a layer of honey and wound up on a piece of gauze bandages covered up. Replace the tape every 24 hours. Honey is a great option for those who are allergic to topical antibiotics outside the skin.

8. light Burns

You can also use honey to treat the burns are very effective. In antibacterial and anti-fungal glass of honey will prevent bacterial growth and anti bacterial properties will prevent infection.

If you suffer from mild Burns, is simply just a DAB of fresh honey wound up. Within a few times as you will see there is less sensation, itching and pain. You have to DAB honey on Burns several times in a day for a few days to heal more quickly.

9. Good for the skin

Due to the antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, honey is an ingredient used in health and brighten the skin. For those bruises, lightening the skin, just a little DAB of honey directly on it before going to bed. This helps the honey will be the skin absorb all night.

Wash your face the next morning with warm water. Implement measures within a few days, you will soon see the effects of honey for the skin. Honey can also be used to treat other skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis and circular array ecpet. It also can reduce inflammation in the skin.

10. Weight loss

Honey contains vitamins, minerals and amino acid. All these factors have the effect of stimulating the process of exchange of fat and cholesterol, the only help treat body weight and prevent obesity.

Drink a cup of warm water mixed with honey and lemon juice when the tucks are hungry, early in the morning after waking up is a way of losing weight are simple and effective. Do the things that will help detoxify, cleanses the liver, eliminate toxins and fat from the body.

11. Treat acne

Honey is extremely effective for oily skin and acne tendency thanks to the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It absorbed excess mucus on skin and decrease the chance of developing skin infections and pimples.

Mix 1 tsp ground color Eraser with 1 teaspoon honey and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Form a special viscous mixture consisting of all the above components and apply to entire face. For about 20 minutes or until it is dry out then rinse.

Antibacterial properties of honey can fight the bacteria in Acne and remove those nasty acne nodules. Try this method, you will notice your skin is improved.

12. Anti Aging

Can treat honey is the "wealth he Dong Huan", by when on your face appears the wrinkles do you lose di youthful, honey can be a relief to you. In honey has natural substance has activated oxidative resistance, anti aging. Apply honey to the skin will help you against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays and avoid being "wrinkles".

13. Hair Care

Honey is a great hair balm cosmetics help to soften and smooth the hair. It helps improve the health of the hair and scalp care.

How to do: Give 1 teaspoon honey shampoo or use honey shampoo to cure dry, rough hair fibers. Use a plastic hair covering hooded bags have a DAB of honey back in about 20-30 minutes to body temperature to optimize the benefits of honey hair.

Besides, honey can prevent hair loss. It contains moisturizers helps prevent hair loss by adding moisture to the hair shaft. The high sugar content in honey help moisture treatment, leaving only the hair better and longer.=



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