4 it is imperative to know when to eat the egg roll

Forced to eat in the same order and ginger

According to Oriental medicine, Balut eaten the same spices as persicaria, fresh ginger is a drug, used to cure the anemia, weakness, dizziness, headache, stunted, weak physiological ... Persicaria is support has the effect of strong legs, eyes bright pillows, warm belly. Fresh ginger is added, have the effect of stimulating digestion, strong heart, Detox food, against the sexual decline.

However, eating a lot of persicaria life when eaten hot and wet weather will also eggs reduces sexual potency in men. A number of recent studies have confirmed that in order to contain a number of substances, essential oils and some inhibitor of sex in men. Also for women, food order in the period of menstruation is also easy to lead to rong.

Not recommended for children under 5 years old eat

Children under 5 years of age should not eat due to the metabolism of the substance of the digestion system of older yet perfecting easily cause bloating, diarrhea ...

So how is enough?

For children from 5-12 years old, at first only to eat Balut fruit half or 1-2 quail egg roll every day. A process is 15 days. Egg Roll suitable for small children were stunted, weak physical ... Can regular feeding per day 1 egg roll or five ducks quail egg flipped (have the ability to improve the height for the child because of the high content of calcium-containing assorted eggs).

These people absolutely do not eat Balut

People with high blood pressure, diabetes, hepatitis, fatty liver, cardiovascular ... should also abstain or not eating much because that may clog arteries, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke

Eat for breakfast

Balut before use must be washed, boiled really ripe. Should eat in the early morning with food supplements, avoid eating in the evening, avoid the not digested is offensive.=



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