4 simple moves for lower back flexibility

If not well cared for back and spine, then the development of the whole of your body will be affected very much. Simple fitness exercises below will help enhance the health and maintain the flexibility of the spine, giving you a perfect physique. You should file this exercises at least 3 times a week.[links] Task 1: Ðộng toned muscles of the back and legs 1a. Prone, balancing the body in 2 forearm and the top of the toes, keeping back straight. Belly to belly fat-blocking not melted down. 1B. Lifting the right leg up from 16-30 cm, blocking the butt muscles again. Hold the pose for 3-5 seconds. From from the lower legs down and continue again with the left foot. Each foot you can do from 8-10 times. (If you tap on the Board must then hold position of the Boards throughout the episode).


Task 2: Ðộng toned abdominal muscles and hips Kneel, put his hands down on the ground so that the position of the hands straight with the shoulder and the knee straight to the hips. Keep your head and neck with a straight spine. At the same time you raise your right hand and the left foot forward. Next, you stretch out the right hand side, at the same time stretching-stretch the left foot out, keep feet and hands parallel to the floor. Hold this posture for 3-5 seconds then slowly bring the arms and legs of the original location. Redoes the action by making changes to the left hand and right foot. Each side made back from 8-10 times.


Task 3: Ðộng supple neck and back vertebrae Place the lower back to the floor, both knees up tight green chest, lift head and shoulders off the floor. Hold this position for about 15 seconds, breathing deeply. Relax and then do it again. If your job is to sit in a long time will make your back muscles hard cause back pain and fatigue. You can remedy that by this action the daily workout.


Task 4: Ðộng relax the back Against 2 foot ground according to pose kneeling, placed 2 hand stretch front, extend the hands by the shoulders, fingers forward. Keep your back straight, eyes facing down. The hands are brought up front, right leg to stretch. The left hand and left foot remain in original position. Hold this posture within 5 seconds, then change legs. Note: keep the back straight, not curved backs. The beginning was not to raise too high nor bow down too low. Back, legs and head always form a straight line. Breathe in breathe out steadily to mobilize abdominal muscles.=



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