6 food should eat more in winter to have golden health

6 food should eat more in winter to have gold health.


Much research suggests mushrooms very effective support for the immune system. Moreover, in the mushroom contains 90% water, help you not lose water, to avoid the phenomenon of dry skin and weight loss (due to no longer).


Beets contain a lot of vitamins and essential nutrients such as vitamin A, B, C, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus ... They have the ability to recover injured arteries and reduce the risk of heart disease, and liver cleansing. You should eat radishes lived by the nutrition will be diminished when cooked. Or you can drink the juice just deliciousness just had the effect of lowering blood pressure.

Pumpkin seeds

Per serving pumpkin seeds contains 14% zinc body needs every day. Try baking them with a little sea salt and olive oil and sprinkle them on salads. Pumpkin seeds brittle, delicious and low calorie.


Kale is one of the best vegetables. They are usually slightly bitter but in winter, locating of them becomes more sweet. This is not only a super food, contain a lot of vitamins K, A, C, calcium, but also provides the amount of fiber and iron. Can you eat Kale raw, boiled or steamed, sauteed all the deliciousness.


Garlic is the kind of food that has the effect of wound healing very well by the side of garlic contains allicin chemical may restrict the activity of the virus that causes colds and the flu.

Types of food also help the body produce interferon (a virus) against cancer. Also, eating garlic is also reducing cholesterol and improves mood considerably.

Cabbage, cabbage

Cabbage, cabbage are dishes that are favored, take the cooked cabbage sour soup ... Korean dish kimchi is also to use it as the Vietnamese used as pickling. When pickled kimchi or will ferment the acid ...

This acid helps people eat more delicious finds, increased củacanxi and phosphorus solubility in the intestine, helps the body fight the cold better. Also according to a curve research done in China, kim chi cókhả also features prevent osteoporosis, sad limbs every time the weather changes.=



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