7 articles of folk medicine cure super effective back pain

Back pain is a common condition in the elderly and even the young labor too much or not properly seated. Back pain will make any stagnation in the work and make the body more fatigue. Treating back pain with natural vegetation, it looks like many people are applying very effective.

7 articles of folk medicine cure super effective back pain.

Back pain can occur due to a number of causes such as: sleeping, working posture not right cause skeletal muscle, pinched due to weather changes, due to pregnancy, age ... In a few cases of back pain are the expression of dangerous diseases such as hernia, osteoarthritis.

Back pain if not treated can finish will cause muscle atrophy, atrophy, or even maimed. Here are some folk medicine article is incredibly effective back pain treatment.

The General leaves

Use the leaves, the leaves of five army generals Zhao and dandelion offer small imitation with less salt. Done mixed with less white wine high levels (about 40 degrees of alcohol) FRY to take warming region of the spine.

Leaves Los

The leaves are commonly used in Los dishes everyday but in traditional medicine the leaves Los has the effect of analgesic, anti-inflammatory used to cure back pain, limb aches are very effective. Leaves Los and leaves equal doses, applying, to retire, added vinegar, hot, on chờm 2 times to relieve back pain.

The tree of shame

In traditional medicine plants embarrassed there sweetness, slightly astringent, the South Korean automaker, has the effect of calming, sedative, anti-inflammatory. It is considered the tree of male drug cure back pain bone aches. Every day from 15-20 roots of shame have drinking water change gold star will treat back pain.


Modern science has proved that the peppers contain capsicain substances have stimulating effects brain endorphin hormones, potentially causing numbness and pain. In traditional medicine the peppers are also used to treat back pain. Use 10-15 fruit ripe chillies, papaya leaves, chilli plant roots pounding can give a little more alcohol then massage the sore spot.

Fresh ginger

Spicy ingredient in fresh ginger has proven capable against the process of oxygen, instant pain relief for low back pain is. Use fresh ginger 20 g, 15 g, 30 g wheat flour onion hot and should pain response.


Applying essential oils tricosanol, cineol, archly ... likely to appease nerve and arthritis and is used to cure back pain very well. Applying rinse hot spot relief of pain.

Polyscias fruticosa tree roots

In traditional medicine polyscias fruticosa are such "Ginseng" because it has great healing effects used to blood tonic. Polyscias fruticosa tree roots that have been scientifically proven to contain up to 13 different amino acid types such as: lyzin, xytein, vitamin B1 ... In addition it is also rather than some other beneficial substances such as saponins, trerpe alcalot. Used from 20-30 g cheap drink decoction daily polyscias fruticosa to treat back pain.=



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