7 easy disease contracted when eating watermelon

Affecting the cardiovascular system

Watermelon contains high concentrations of potassium. Kali has the effect of stabilizing the cardiovascular system, help prevent heart but high potassium content can lead to the complexity of the central nervous system, affecting the heart, easily lead to heart attacks. It can also lead to kidney damage and affects the motor nerve.

Watermelon contains high concentrations of potassium.

Lower blood pressure

Excessive consumption of watermelon can lead to lower blood pressure. If a person with low blood pressure, it is best to avoid eating watermelon.

Reduce the amount of sugar in the blood

Eat more watermelon cause a decrease in blood sugar, insulin disorders causing kidney damage traits, kidney function decline.


Excessive consumption of watermelon may increase the amount of water in the body. If excess water cannot be excreted out of the body, which can lead to increased blood volume. This makes you more pain as well as swelling legs exhausted and tired.

Causes of nausea

In watermelon contains high in lycopene should eat watermelon too many substances will cause intestinal upsets and you wanted to puke is the thing off or avoided. In particular, if the House had children and sisters need to be careful with this fruit.


People who have sensitive skin eat lots of watermelons are very prone to rash, allergy, rash ...

Watermelon cause indigestion.

The cold-causing

Watermelon has the effect of cooling. In the hot day to eat a little better but the watermelon watermelon sustainability, if eat more often then not beneficial. Especially those bad digestion, or diabetes mellitus last night and had the disease should not eat many more planets.

Dilute stomach translation

94% is water, watermelon flesh with large amount of water so it will dilutes stomach indigestion, causing outbreaks and affect digestive function. The note when eating watermelon dưu

Don't eat too many watermelon

Should not eat watermelon before and after meals

Diabetics should not eat watermelon

Don't eat watermelon and then added to the night=



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