8 mistakes of women genitalia

Health)-Because bear natural pain laying heavy bearing position women have life- sensitivity sex than men and also so that they easily caught the disease in the genitalia than men. Here are the mistakes that women often encountered in relation to this issue.[links] 1-the toilet too much genitalia According to Dr. Patricia Sulak, a Professor of Obstetrics-Gynecology at the University of medicine, A&M, Texas, United States of America, women's vaginas often contain many useful bacteria. These microorganisms have the ability to stop the growth of germs, making this area always self-cleaning in a natural way.

Use SOAP, detergent not suitable, pollen or scented products can do red, irritated skin pain sensitivity of vagina. Better use a gentle detergent, do not smell to hygiene. 2-trust entirely on results of chest clinics doctors Gynecology

Women often suffer many mistakes

In the examination of the chest, the doctor will observe the chest when you sit to search those folds of skin, potential signs of cancer of the breast. After that, you will be examined in the supine chest, arms folded behind the breast tissue to spread, doctors easily and discover the extraordinary if available.

The doctor will use the fingers to massage your breasts, starting from the top of the breast and move slowly, with light circular motion. Finally, the doctor will squeeze two light nipple to check fluid secretion. This screening form if not detected anything unusual as well does not mean that you have completely reassured about her breasts. 3-never questions about mammography results According to Nancy Beth Lebowitz, doctor in New York, if you are feeling a little clumsy in his chest that after mammography, doctors still said nothing, you should not be swept under that ruling, which must be asked to make next Sonogram technician (breast survey using sound waves).

Every year, nearly 10000 people with breast cancer underwent a diagnostic time lasts, because at first, doctors did not believe the small platform in their chest is a sign of breast cancer. By using sound waves, a physician can determine that meat Department is a fluid-filled cyst (benign) or a hard lump (can cause cancer or not).

Survey techniques using sound waves is especially advantageous if the object on the stage in perimenopausal. These young women have dense breast tissue and breast x-ray techniques to easily detect these abnormalities in the chest over the years. 4-Not interested in the transformation of secreted at menstruation When the woman came to the menstrual period, the average amount of blood constitute 36% of the secreted fluid. If there are minor changes occur as short period than more dense fluid or little less than normal then it's OK, because that may be the result of moving much or daily nutrition.

But if the fluid is very different than the previous times as too concentrated or too diluted and this phenomenon occurs more than once menstruation then you should go see a doctor right away. There may be signs of pregnancy or inflammation of the lining of the uterus. 5-taking all over-the-counter drugs during pregnancy The majority are physician concurred that the pregnant women can take many medications do not need single doctors, with the condition to have to consult with your doctor before treatment.

In General, the usual drugs such as Tylenol (Acetaminophen), antihistamines (allergy cure), digestive medicine, treatment of diarrhoea and other stomach disorders can use during pregnancy, only need the consent of a physician.

However, there are two important exceptions that pregnant women need to comply, a drug is Ibuprofen may adversely affect the development of the fetal circulatory system and Aspirin can do prolong pregnancy, birthing time, cause more hemorrhage before and after birth.

Women with the disease in the genitalia than men

6-for that you cannot spread the mushrooms for my husband or vice versa According to Lebowitz, during intercourse, the couple can do for fungus infection. However, infected men often do not leave any symptoms. Therefore, if you have chronic yeast infection, then take the advice my husband should go see a doctor in internal medicine to be determine whether two people are infecting each other or not, in which case there should apply fungicidal treatments. 7-For that body weight can not affect your sexual health In fact, the skinny women too can have no menses or menstrual irregularities. Meanwhile, too much fat if the body will produce more estrogen hormone, easily leads to the risk of uterine cancer and breast cancer.

In addition, obese women who use contraception will have more at risk "breaking plans" (pregnancy), because the amount of excessive estrogen by fat cells produce can make the transformation mechanism of metabolism of hormones in birth control pills.

The results of the study also showed that children born from mothers who are obese during pregnancy have double the risk of premature death the infant has normal mother on body weight. 8-believe that birth control pills increase the risk of breast cancer An information value for excitement for women who use birth control pills: a study of newly John Hopkins University (U.s.a.) conducted with 10000 women shows though use any type and use the long form of contraception, nor what the impact drinking to breast cancer risk.  =



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