9 common headache symptoms and how to treat

1. Headaches due to hormone

Headaches due to hormone may also manifest as migraines. Common migraine in women, the main reason is due to reduced estrogen levels. Magnesium is useful nutrients relieve headaches if used every month.

You should try to give 455 mg magnesium body on mỡi from foods such as beets, spinach. In addition, there are also many magnesium in foods such as bananas, sweet potatoes, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds.

2. Headaches due to stress

Stress, stress, work pressure ... is the common cause that leads to headaches and migraines. Active nerve overload, stress, lack of quality dining ... leads to more than 70% of cases of acute headache.

Beginning to feel headache please stop all the work to find a place to relax, breathe fresh air and gently to soothe the pain down.

Let's take the center of gravity is between the eyebrows, eyes, sit straight back, quiet soul, imagination is in the forest, under the sea, there are streams, birdsong ... will relieve a headache. You can also sleep at least minutes or listen to music and not think to reduce stress, the pain has to also not intense (but not top heavy would suffer because ì).

If relaxing is not helpful to go visit to get early treatment. Prevention by building time work-rest, living thing. Take the time to relax (soak in a tub of warm water, walking, hiking, jogging, biking, or meditation, deep breathing, yoga ...) to limit the factors stimulating the headaches.

3. Headaches because of sleep

Lack of sleep, insomnia, sleep, not enough sleep, deep sleep ... do the blood vessels dilate, powerful stimulation to nerves causing headaches, especially migraine.

You need to sleep, eat and drink full of nutrients that will reduce the frequency of 29% and 40% of the level of headaches and migraines, health guarantee for the brain. To avoid headache caused by insomnia, make yourself the habit of going to sleep and wake up on time. Exercise regularly to have a deeper sleep. If insomnia, sleep, not enough sleep, sleep dropouts ... need to remove the caffeine in food rations.

4. Headache due to weather

According to BS Owners Benefit, Institute for acupuncture, there are many causes of headaches, but the headaches caused by weather changes often tough and intense.

Headaches due to weather are not avoided, which must use pain relievers or day points, acupuncture and relaxation to help the headaches. The patient should not take painkillers without medical command. Features daily exercise, eating enough substance to enhance resistance to the body.

5. Headache because lack of water

Summer sweat, dehydrated and not supplement up or being hungry may also cause headaches (migraine), if repeated several times could lead to stroke.

Avoid eating, drinking homemade easily cause headaches such as the amino acid Tyramine-containing foods (available in red wine, cheese), Nitrates (salami, antipasti, meat processing available), Nmol amino acid (chocolate) ... making the blood vessel constriction or dilation of the blood suddenly.

So adding more protein and carbonhydrat to maintain blood sugar levels, reduces the effective headaches. Daily supplements of sufficient amount of calcium through calcium rich foods or drink tablets multi vitamins (multi-vitamin) has a magnesium supplement will reduce the headache.

To the body thirst or dehydration also causes headaches, tired. If so please lay where the cool, quiet, low head pillow, drink plenty of water to balance the body and excrete the toxins. Additional right saline (or cold water mix salt, sugar) when out sweat, dehydration causes headaches. To avoid removing packed, should also not to distance themselves too long between meals.

6. Smell of aromatherapy

If you come in contact with the products smell, perfume is also causing headaches.

If headache due to this cause, should avoid using perfumes or scented products. When feel smothered in that crowded, let's quickly find where the airy, drink a cup of water and if possible take a fresh lemon smell will quickly regain balance.

7. A headache due to the light

Sunlight, fluorescent bulbs, the screen from the computer... a huge impact to the optic nerve, nerve, freeing the chemicals cause headaches, stinging eyes.

To avoid headache caused by the light, summer sunny travel should wear sunscreen. Who should use the headache or incandescent bulbs in the room instead of the fluorescent bulbs. Working with the computer keeping safe distance from eye to 25 cm on the screen.

8. Migraine

Common migraine in women than men. People were afraid the sound and light (often with the sign as seen the light spots before the eyes, or eyes dimmed, eyes, afraid of light, dizziness, nausea, digestive disorders, fatigue, sudden depression, anxiety, or excitement, say much ...) then about 20 minutes will be a headache. However, there were no signs of people notice.

When headache, try a deep, long sleep and wake almost health is restored. If migraine repeat many times (most do), need a visit to a neurologist to find diseases and early treatment, lest lead to mental collapse or dangerous complications occur.

9. Flu

When sick, your body easier to lose salt and amount of water needed. One of the main cause of headaches is dehydration. Eating many fruits such as grapefruit, watermelon, melon, strawberry and pineapple every day to replenish water when suffering from flu. You can also drink the types of fruit smoothies to compensate the amount of water lost.=



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