Absolutely not eating fruit, drinking tea right after a meal!

1. Eat fruits

Eating fruit is good thing, but this is not the thing to do after a meal. Eat fruits do you feel bulky, not only that, the fruit is still not digested easily and still stuck in the stomach until it decomposes.

This will cause gastritis. Thus, after the meal, you should wait a while then eat the fruit or fruit can be eaten when not eating anything in the morning. Hoa results at this will be digested easily and provide you with enough energy for the day.

Should not eat fruit right after meals

2. Drink a special tea

Vietnam people generally have the habit of drinking tea after the meal special. As for that green tea helps clean the mouth water, and help aid in digestion. But actually, everything is completely the opposite. Because of the tannin in the tea leaves in combination with food makes these compounds are excluded makes the digestive system being stagnant, hard food is absorbed, increasing causes of constipation, and increased risk of hoarding of harmful substances for the body.

3. Bathing immediately

Shower right after you eat increases the risk of indigestion

Digest requires a lot of energy and blood flow to the stomach. But when you shower, blood is directed to the legs and arms. Shower right after you eat increases the risk of indigestion and bloating, you will feel uncomfortable for a long time after that.

4. Where the Scorpions pants

If have just fed that immediately extended the Scorpions pants will do the abdominal pressure rising suddenly, food being cornered (by bungarus tight belly wrap pants before eating) will soon float freely from the stomach down the intestine, this easy guide to stomach twisted quai, bowel prolapse. Therefore should not eat too much at a time, or where the Scorpions trousers before eating.

5. Smoking Room

Many people feel that smoking after a meal will softer. But smoking is always harmful to your health at any time. Smoking increases the risk of cancer, and if you have irritable bowel syndrome, stomach ulcers or inflammation of the colon, you should stay away from cigarettes after eating. Smoking only exacerbate the problem.

6. Sleep right

Many people who eat late at night and went to sleep almost immediately. This can also happen at noon, because after eating you are usually very easy to sleep.

However, the sleep right after that is not good, because the food will not be digested properly and you will wake up with a burning sensation in the mouth and throat. This is caused by digestive juices flow into the esophagus instead of the stomach when you are lying. You should wait for some time before going to sleep.

7. Go swimming

A lot of people think that a small exercises such as swimming, will help them to escape from feeling heavy after eating no. Swimming pool after the Fed can cause stomach cramps. This can even be fatal if you swim a long distance without coming back to shore when the abdominal pain.

8. walk


For some people, they eat anything. But in fact, this is not good for health because when walking, the body is more active, affect the absorption of the nutrients of the digestive system.

9. Sing karaoke

Scaling out stomach after eating no, amount of blood circulation growth, singing right now will cause the diaphragm sa down, increased pressure in the abdominal cavity, causing the affected food digestion, can lead to serious diseases of the stomach. So to the stomach is resting about 1 hour before singing.

10. Drive

After a meal, at the request of the digestive system, most of the blood will pack into the stomach parts, temporary blood supply to the brain is reduced, driving right at this easy guide to control the traffic situation, causing the accident. More than 30 minutes after eating is the moment safe to continue driving.=



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