Add the reasons that sisters quickly grows old

You sleep less than five hours each night

Sleeping less not only make the eyes appear dark circles but also reduces life expectancy. Sleeping about 7 hours is ideal. Go to bed earlier than if you have the symptoms of lack of sleep, mental stagnation or increase in weight, the doctor Casciari, founder of the research center of St. Joseph Hospital sleep sharing.

Drink with straws

We often think of drinks would load on people will affect your health without doubt that the drink also is cause to affect aging. In fact, the use of straws are handled increased the aging is due to it making the wrinkles that form around the mouth-like smoking. The expert advice please drink directly without going through him.

Afraid to drink the water

The habit of drinking only when really thirsty a disservice by missing body of water will feel very tired, blood pressure ... The country is also the source of nourishment to keep key role in protecting the skin. If the body is not enough water tolerance will cause poor mucus glands activity, consequently the skin vulnerable to water shortages. Water shortages skin will wrinkle and dry very well from there. Therefore, each additional day from 1.5-2 liters of water to the body while not thirsty.


Many people spend quite a lot of effort and money on skin care products that don't realize the speed increased due to aging. Automatic electric and air conditioning systems typically can dry the skin, leading to premature aging and wrinkles. To help the skin youthful and soft Please lower the temperature, even warm, keep a glass of water next to the workplace to increase moisture and topical moisturizers to relieve dry skin.

Wearing headphones

Hearing loss is one of the signs of aging but many may decline because of hearing using the headset. A study has shown use the headset in an hour can temporarily affect the listener's hearing. While another study just out to listen to the highest possible volume set the hearing on the risk of permanent damage. Therefore, at least listen to through headphones and listen with the volume just right to defend yourself.

Use SOAP to wash face

Everybody knows the face wash works like? The dirt, scum on the skin will be taken to help clean the skin brighter, which prevents the occurrence of acne. However, not least the girlfriend preferred SOAP to wash your face instead of cleansers. Wash your face with SOAP has a strong activity is the "culprit" causing skin dryness, lack of water, cause peeling skin and long time users will make the appearance of wrinkles.

Our lives are surrounded by the kind of SOAP, perfume, bath milk. We think it's necessary for the skin but the reality is not so. The skins need a shell to do acid natural protection barrier, while washing with SOAP has alkaline categories takes this protective layer, leading to wrinkles. Experts advise, look for soaps have neutral pH.

Hug hug pillows when sleeping

If when you sleep is just a pose italics then faces you will be pressed and the bolster can cause wrinkles on the skin. To avoid premature aging switch supine or satin, Silk Pillow can reduce wrinkles and maintain moisture for the skin.

Low fat diets

Many diet eat fat to lose weight without knowing that lack the fats such as omega 3 can affect the speed of aging. Omega 3 fish oil in many, walnuts, almonds are always needed for us and help us young long ago. It not only keep your skin shiny stretch, less wrinkles, strengthens the heart, brain health but also increases life expectancy for you.

Like Scrubs

The Scrubs have the effect of making the skin becomes more smooth. However, on the advice of the professionals of aesthetics should not abuse. It will cause the skin to become overly sensitive, drier and in particular appears more wrinkles. In summary, should just exfoliate every week from 1-2 times is enough.

Exercising too little or too much

Can't tell the benefits from the exercise. Thanks to it you find yourself young, full of energy, always awake, be protected from Alzheimer's disease. More blood flow to the skin bright skin and more energetic. When no exercise or half episode will shorten your life, increase your risk of obesity, heart ... However, too much exercise will cause stiffness, increases the risk of arthritis and also make you go to the aging faster.

Drink Coke

Almost any research yet again praised the effect of Coke with our health. This freshwater type contains a lot of sugar, increase the risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes.

In some countries such as the us, the number of people suffering from obesity superior to Asian countries is also due to the habit of using fresh water to drink.

Coke if you dry skin causes also drink lots of lumpy, easy pimples, weight resistance before the external environment.


This is considered one of the causes of premature aging. Nicôtin in cigarettes take effect shrinks the blood vessels under the skin. Moreover, cigarette smoke also broke the collagen in the skin where collagen is an important ingredient that helps the skin always fresh. This explains why those who smoke often fast older than those who don't smoke.=



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